Fairytale Come Alive(177)

He grinned at her and said, “Sally doesn’t need her memory erased.”

She wasn’t listening.

She was looking at the headboard muttering, “I’m sure the military has something. Who do I know in the military?”

He was back to laughing when his hand slid up her spine, into her hair and he bent her head to his, maneuvering it so his mouth was at her ear.

Softly, he ordered, “Forget about mind control drugs. You have more pressing things to see to this morning.”

Her head twisted and she looked at him. “Yes? And those would be?”

His other hand caught hers and guided it between their bodies. Then he curled her fingers around his stiff cock.

Her eyes grew wide the moment before they went dazed.

There it was.

He had her.

“That,” he whispered.

“We can’t do that,” she whispered back but her hand moved, forming a tight fist, her thumb sliding over the tip.



“We can,” he groaned.

“What if the kids –?”

“They won’t.”

“You’re sure?”


Her hand stroked then her thumb circled the tip.

Prentice gritted his teeth.

Her mouth went to his neck and she whispered, “We’ll be fast.”

“You go fast, baby, there’ll be consequences.”

Her head came up, her hand stroked and his body liked it so much his h*ps involuntarily bucked.

When her eyes met his, he demanded on a rumble, “I want your mouth to work me and I want it to work me slow.”

Her lips parted, her eyes glazed, her hand clutched his c**k tightly, he growled and she breathed, “But… pancakes.”

“We have an hour.”

“But –”

His hand fisted in her hair and he forced her mouth to his.

Then he kissed her.