Fairytale Come Alive(16)

“Debs –” Prentice said warningly and started forward but Debs was not to be denied (again, as usual).

“I could not believe it when I heard you were going to be here.” Debs glanced at Annie and snapped, “I’m sorry, Annie, but you know it has to be said.”

“Debs –” Prentice repeated, reaching his sister and taking her by the upper arm which she yanked from his grip while her gaze snapped to his face.

“I know you’re over it because, luckily, you found a better one and married her. But me and everyone else,” Debs threw her arm wide to indicate the entire village, “wants her to know she is not welcome here.” Her eyes went back to Isabella. “So don’t think of playing any of your fancy rich girl games with any of our men this time around. Got me?”

“Who is this interesting creature?” Mikey muttered to Annie.

“Debs, really, this isn’t necessary, nor, might I add, nice,” Fergus cut in.

“I’m not known for being nice,” Debs retorted.

“You can say that again,” Mikey told her.

Debs’s eyes narrowed on Mikey. “And who are you, her newest victim?”

“No,” Mikey replied. “I’ve been her second best friend for over twenty years and if you don’t mind your manners, miss priss, I’ll be forced not to mind mine and you won’t like that. Do you have me?”

“How dare you!” Debs screeched.

“I dare easily, darling,” Mikey returned, completely unperturbed.

“Dougal, Prentice, do something,” Annie beseeched, looking like she was about ready to cry and Fiona forgot how much she hated Isabella and felt badly for her friend.

Surprisingly, Isabella forged into the breach.

“It’s perfectly fine,” she said, again softly her voice somehow carrying that weird authority and even Debs stopped her tirade and stared at her.

Then, even more surprisingly (and strangely, to Fiona’s way of thinking), she murmured, “It’s nothing less than I deserve.”

“You have that right,” Debs snapped back.

Isabella leveled her gaze on Debs and, if Fiona could still feel she would have felt a chill.

“Yes,” she said in a strong, cultured, not at all soft or breathy voice, “I do.”

Then without looking at Prentice, who was staring at her in what Fiona knew exactly was shock, or anyone else, Isabella turned to Annie and said, back to her soft voice, “I need to freshen up. I’ll be back for champagne.”

She leaned in and kissed her friend, nodded to Mikey and then gracefully and slowly walked up the stairs, arse swaying, like she hadn’t a care in the world.

Fiona’s apprehensive eyes moved to Prentice knowing he was an ass man and that was one fine ass, even as a woman she had to appreciate it. One could safely say Isabella Austin Evangelista had, somehow, since Fiona had died and seen any photos of her, put on a few pounds but, for her, they were a few good pounds which Fiona thought was distinctly unfair.

But Prentice wasn’t checking out Isabella’s arse, he was pulling his sister to the door.

“A word,” he said in his deep, warning voice that said, quite clearly, Debs was in trouble and not a little bit of it.

The door closed behind them and Annie swung around on Dougal.

“Debs is now officially uninvited to the wedding.”

“Annie, luv –”

Annie shook her head and lifted her hand. “Nope, nuh-unh, no. Un… in… vite… ed.”

Then she flounced from the room toward the kitchen.

Dougal cast an apologetic glance to Fergus and Mikey and followed her.