Fairytale Come Alive(147)

But, as ugly as it was, Fiona was not meant to inhabit that world for very long.

So, when she was gone, someone had to take care of her family.

And there was no better person to do it than the beautiful woman gamely ignoring her son plucking discordantly at guitar strings while she laughed and played with Sally and her kitten.

Now, Fiona realized, was the time Bella and Prentice were meant to be.

Fiona hovered, shaken by this new knowledge, as Bella put Sally to bed and came back down to Jason.

Then she surprised Fiona further as she gently took the guitar away from him. Expertly tuning it (she had a good ear), she explained what she was doing as Jason looked on with a rapt expression.

Then she played.

Fiona was stunned. Bella hadn’t played twenty years ago. She wasn’t talented but she knew what she was doing and it sounded lovely.

When she stopped, Bella surprised Fiona even further when she explained to Jason, “I was so impressed with your Mum’s playing, when I went home I took lessons.” Her face and tone grew wistful when she said, “I haven’t played in years. I forgot how much I like doing it.” Then she gained control and grinned at Jason. “But it makes your fingers hurt.”

Jason grinned back.

Bella handed Jason Fiona’s guitar and finished, her face soft, “That’s what your Mum gave to me, my love of the guitar. And a lot of happy memories filled with laughter. Those things are what I carry in my heart, gifts from Fiona.”

Jason’s grin died and he gulped again.

Fiona gulped too but she didn’t succeed in holding back her tears like her son did.

Quickly, Bella moved past the moment and with great patience, she gave Jason a few pointers. After awhile, his discordant plucking became something else altogether. Finally, she sent him off to bed with the guitar.

Then she went to her rooms. She opened the nightstand and pulled out a new journal. Opening it to the first page and picking up her expensive pen, she wrote about Fiona’s children while Fiona hovered over her and her book, unashamedly reading while Bella wrote.

And Fiona knew those words were some of very few good ones in any of those books.

It was then Fiona decided Sally and Jason were meant to exist in part to heal Bella.

And, as crazy as it sounded, Fiona was proud to have had a hand in that.

When Bella finished, she left her rooms to shut down the house.

All except the light outside, the light in the vestibule and a lamp in the great room.

Then she paced while Fiona trailed behind her. The longer she paced; the more cross she became.

And the more hilarious Fiona found it.

Fiona felt Prentice’s presence first.

She dashed in front of Bella so she could watch her face when she realized he was home.

Bella heard the 4x4; she stopped pacing and glared at the door.

Fiona couldn’t wait to see what happened next.

The door opened.

Bella tensed.

Fiona popped back into her tent by the ever-blossoming apple tree.

“Bloody hell!” she shouted at its silk walls.