
We entered my room and he took me right to the bed. I was jostled as he held me and threw the covers back. Then I was in bed and the covers were over me but he was leaned into me, a fist in the bed at either side, his face super-close.

“Gonna shut down the house. Be back.”

He was going to shut down the house.

And then be back.

He was going to shut down the house and be back.

I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t want hope to bud, bloom then die an early death, turning to ash.

I didn’t want him to change his mind.

So I said, “Okay.”

I felt his finger whisper along my collarbone before he pushed from the bed.

So he could touch gently.

I was beside myself with glee that I had that knowledge.

Beside myself with glee.

Which meant for the first time since John Priest/Deacon Whoever showed up at my door, I was truly happy.

I knew that was wrong.

But I lay there waiting for him to come back, and try as I might, I couldn’t stop it from feeling right.

Chapter Five

Down to My Bones

Pounding sounded on the door downstairs and I jerked awake, groggily feeling a hard body under me on which I was partially draped, partially falling down its side.

I lifted my cheek from warm skin and twisted my neck, my sleepy eyes finding Priest…no, Deacon’s dark, tousled head resting on my pillows, his slumberous, tawny eyes aimed down to me.

At the sight of him, I forgot everything except all that involved him. What happened the night before (or early that morning). What happened when he came back to my room, took off his clothes, got in bed, gathered me in his arms, and didn’t make love to me again but fell asleep like he’d held me close every night of his life for a decade. And when he fell asleep, he did it deep, like he slept the sleep of a man content he had everything he needed.

Since he did that, and likely crashing after all the drama, not to mention two orgasms, I did it too.

The angry pounding that didn’t quit punctured my thoughts and I blinked.

I focused on Deacon and whispered, “That kid’s parents.”

At my words, instantly he wrapped both arms around me, rolled me to my back, let me go, and rolled the other way, out of bed.

I saw firm, well-rounded, unhindered-to-the-eye male ass and blinked again as a tingle shot between my legs.

Then I saw him bend and snatch up his jeans.

He did this angrily.

Oh man.

I rolled the other way but he was out the door before I made it to the closet.

I tugged on jeans (commando), a thermal henley (also commando, but up top, if that was called commando) and did this hopping, skipping, and in the end dashing out of the room, down the hall and down the stairs.