
“I do, you gonna stop bein’ so fuckin’ jumpy?” Deacon asked back, and I knew he was moving from the fridge to the door.

Deacon asking this wasn’t because he could read me. This was me being obvious.

“Let’s just say, no surprise parties for you,” I stated.

“What’d you do?”

His tone made me look to him standing in the kitchen door.

Standing. Not walking to open the front door.

“Deacon, you need to—”

“What’d you do?” he repeated.

To get him to get a move on, I answered, “Happy birthday.”

“Woman, it’s April.”

“So?” I asked but didn’t wait for his answer. “You said you didn’t want presents on your birthday. Therefore, you’re getting one not on your birthday.”

He shook his head, staring at me, lips twitching.

I was about to come out of my skin.

“Deacon!” I snapped then bossed, “Go get the door.”

He kept shaking his head, turned, and sauntered through the foyer.

I wanted to go to the kitchen door and watch. I really did.

I didn’t. I knew if I did I might explode with the happy excitement gushing inside me.

I heard the words, “Special delivery for Deacon Gates,” and Deacon replying, “That’s me.” Then, “Sign here,” and I had to shift from foot to foot to stop from running into the foyer.

I heard the door close but I felt it before it did.

I felt it get stronger as he returned to me.

I heard Bossy bark.

I looked to the door to see my man standing there with his new German Shepherd puppy cradled to his chest, licking his throat.

Deacon’s eyes were on me but his features were scored raw with the love he had for me.

I felt my eyes sting but had it in me to say, “I did Boss Lady, your turn to train him.”

“I love you,” he whispered

“I know,” I whispered back.

Bossy barked.

I went back to making sandwiches mostly so Deacon could eat his while I got to play with the new puppy.

We named him Priest.

* * * * *