
My brows drew together. “You just came.”

“Then you got your work laid out, woman. But I’ll make it worth it, you do that sittin’ on my face.”

And it happened again.

I squirmed.

Deacon grinned.

At the sight of it, I couldn’t help it.

I missed it.

And there it was, back.

I wrapped him in all four limbs.

He knew w8hat that meant. He told me with his eyes. Then he dipped his head and took my mouth, giving my tongue a light stroke with his before he lifted his head again.

“Like you wrapped around me, baby. But want your mouth and your pussy, so get a move on, yeah?”

I stared into his beautiful, tawny eyes, taking them in, knowing I’d never forget the look in them, and knowing right then from what was shining out of them, I’d never have to.

Then I said, “Whatever.”


“What?” I snapped, but my heart wasn’t in it. I was just being ornery.

“Heart and soul, gut and balls, I love you. There’s no one I’d rather hold. Not until I’m eighty. Not until the day I die.”

I kept staring at him a beat before I burst out crying again, (though the last time I didn’t burst, this time I definitely did).

Deacon rolled off me, gathering me in his arms and holding my face in his throat while I did it.

When the tears quieted, but didn’t subside, I felt his words stir the top of my hair.

“Do you love me too, my Cassie?”

My Cassie.

“Heart and soul, belly and womb, I love you too, Deacon.”

His hand at my head and arm around me got so tight, they caused pain.

I didn’t protest.

I’d missed that too.

Chapter Nineteen

Daddy Was Home

It was after our session upstairs, our shower together, we’d dressed and I’d told Deacon I needed to call Milagros to let her know I was okay. He’d told me he’d keep himself occupied in order to give me privacy while I did that.

We went downstairs together and it was me who opened the door to the kitchen to let Bossy free. She immediately saw Deacon and started growling. Then she must have caught his scent because she stopped, began whimpering, dropped her head, and nearly crawled to him.

My nose started stinging with tears again.