
“Am I gonna be usin’ this sink repeatedly for the foreseeable future?”

He was, damn the man.

“Not the point either.”

It took effort and I watched him make that effort to unwedge his broad shoulders from the vanity, do an ab curl to sitting on his jeans-clad ass on the powder room floor, and train his eyes to me.

Bossy climbed out of the vanity and yapped.

“Give this to me.”


“Baby, I need it. Give it to me.”

I shut my mouth.

“Your people are comin’ soon. You want to give them a nice place?” he asked.

“Rust stains are hardly the end of the world,” I noted.

“Right. Then you want them to feel good that you’re in a place that’s nice and gettin’ nicer? Not rundown and they leave, worried about when you’ll be able to get around to doin’ good things for you to make yourself a home?”

I wanted to kick him (though, not really). This was because none of this was the point but he was making it the point in a way that wasn’t wrong.

This was also because I’d had the conversation with my father four times when he’d come to visit, offered to switch out that sink, and I’d declined, asserting my independence (as always).

Dad would be ecstatic that old sink was gone.

Mom would be ecstatic that ugly mirror was history.

With no other way to save face, I declared, “You’re supremely annoying.”

He grinned. “Yep. That’s me.”

“Should this continue to be as awesome as it is, we trundle toward together and make those babies, if we have daughters I’m starting How to Deal with Badasses when they’re five.”

His eyes were lit but his expression was full-on tender when he returned, “We have boys, they get How to Deal with Stubborn Bitches Who Argue About Meaningless Shit starting at three.”

“Again, Deacon Deacon, women dislike being called bitches,” I shot back.

“That’ll be part of my lesson to the boys,” he volleyed.

I rolled my eyes, unable to carry on just thinking of giving him sons.

Or daughters.

Deacon tired of the conversation and re-wedged himself under the sink.

Bossy looked from Deacon to me and back to Deacon, deciding he was more fun. I knew this when she pushed herself into the vanity, getting in his way, and yapping orders at him.

I left the bathroom.

I mean, what other option was open to me?

Damn the man.

* * * * *