
No way.

No f**king way.

Therefore, I lifted my head and sank my teeth in his neck so hard, I tasted blood.

“Fuck!” he ground out, reared back and I went with him, using his momentum to take him to his back. I shot up, straddling him again and didn’t delay in pulling back an arm and landing a fisted blow to his cheekbone.

He grunted and his head shot to the side.

I didn’t get a second one in. He got his hand around my wrist and rolled me to my back, him on top of me.

I got my boot planted in the floor and rolled him so I was on top. I grabbed both sides of his head and lifted it in preparation for a head butt when he came totally up, knifing at the waist. I automatically held on, my hands fisting in his hair.

“Calm the f**k down and let me explain,” he growled.

“Fuck you!” I shouted, let go with one hand, brought it low, shoved it up the back of his shirt and scored my nails through his flesh.

“Jesus,” he hissed, shifted to his knees and immediately fell forward so my back slammed into the edge of the coffee table before it went skidding. Then my back hit floor and Creed’s body pinned me.

Not good. I had his weight on me and his h*ps between my legs so I couldn’t get a knee to his crotch. He reached back and pulled my arm from around him, his other hand going to my other wrist and yanking my hand out of his hair. He pulled them around and between us, locking them there.

We grappled, pushed, pulled, shoved, both of us growling, grunting and hissing, me rocking my h*ps and planting my feet, arching my back, nearly rolling him but not succeeding.

Fuck, he was going to win.

Fuck, I had to fight dirty.

I lifted my head, he reared back to avoid my teeth but couldn’t get back fast enough. I got my mouth on him and didn’t use my teeth. I used my tongue.

The element of surprise worked.

He stilled instantly.

It was a tactical error.

Not on his part, on mine.

He smelled good. He tasted good and f**k me, he felt good.

The pain of his further betrayal, one even more unforgivable than the last, still consumed me and it had to go. It had to go and I knew only two ways to stop it. Two ways I’d blindly turned to over the years. Two ways that didn’t work for long but they worked for a while.

Without thinking, to dull the pain, I needed one of those ways.

So I went for it and licked up his neck to below his ear and God, God, the scent of him, the feel of him on my tongue, the taste of him…


Suddenly and instantly, something altogether different consumed me.

I bucked my hips, put my weight into my foot on the floor and rolled him so I was on top. I went right in, my teeth to the collar of his tee, my fingers curling into it, I used both until I got the tear then my mouth went away and I ripped it all the way down.

His hands curled in at my waist. “Sylvie –” he murmured but I bent. My mouth to the sleek, muscled skin of his chest, I liked the feel of him against my lips so much my tongue snaked out.

Oh yeah. So good. Fucking beautiful.

I took more, across his collarbone, down, to his nipple I sucked deep and his hands slid from my waist to become arms wrapped tight around me.

“Baby –” he whispered and I jerked up, slammed my mouth down on his and darted my tongue between his lips.