
His hand slid up my back and into my damp hair before he murmured, “You’re mine now, beautiful, in all the ways you can be. What we just shared, I loved it, it was right. Being here, our place, it was perfect. I want more. I want it all. I’m tired of waiting.”

I was too.


“Just a few more hours,” I whispered.

Creed’s hand cupped the back of my head so he could shove my face in his chest as he replied, “This proves it, baby. Nothin’ I won’t do for my Sylvie.”

I grinned against his chest and my arms around him gave him a squeeze.

I turned my head and pressed my cheek against his skin before I called it down.

“So, your friend has power of attorney to sign the papers to sell your house next week. I’m packed. I’ll tell Daddy, come here,” I gave him another squeeze, “you’ll give me my necklace, we’ll eat frozen Snickers bars for breakfast and then we’re gone.”

“Gotta find somethin’ different for you,” he muttered. “I’m thinkin’ I don’t like you knowin’ what you’re gonna get for your birthday for forever.”

My head jerked back and my eyes honed in on his face. “If you ever, ever get me anything but my peridot pendant, Creed, I… I… well, I don’t know what I’ll do but I’ll be super, extra pissy.”

I saw the white flash of his teeth. “Wouldn’t wanna make you super, extra pissy.”

“Don’t joke. I’m serious. Those necklaces are the only things I own that mean a thing to me.”

I saw the white flash of his teeth disappear right before I heard the guttural tone of his, “Jesus, Sylvie.”

“And they always will be,” I finished.

Both his arms closed around me tight, my head tipped back, his dipped down and he kissed me, hard, wet and long. A new kind of kiss. An unrestrained kiss.

Pure beauty.

Unfortunately, it didn’t last forever like I’d like it too. Creed broke it.

Then he murmured, “Let’s get you dressed and home. Our life starts in about four hours. Don’t want you nodding off when it does.”

“Probably a good plan,” I agreed, smiling at him.

I caught his smile back at me then he shifted, we were up and he placed me on my feet.

He held my hand as he walked me to my clothes. I gave him his shirt. He gave me my bikini top. He tied the back for me and I pulled on my tank and shorts and slipped on my flip-flops. Creed grabbed the blanket and again he held my hand as he walked me to my car.

At the door, again, he kissed me. This one I’d had before.

A good-bye kiss.

I savored it because it was the last one.

The last good-bye kiss ever.

Tomorrow, there would be nothing but the rest of our lives kisses, free and easy.

“Sleep good, beautiful,” he muttered against my mouth.

Like I was going to sleep.


“You too, Creed.”