
I smiled at him. “You rock.”

Knight didn’t smile at me. I guessed this was because he really didn’t like it when women got screwed. He was pissed Charlene was going through this, even though he’d met her only a couple of times so he barely knew her at all.

When Knight didn’t say anything, I offered, “If I have free time from Hawk’s job, I’ll work for you the next month for free if you set that guy on Dan.”

“Did you miss the part about them being on retainer?” he asked.

“No,” I answered.

“It’s covered, Sylvie.”

Yeah. Knight totally rocked.

I smiled at him again but this time it was bigger.

Knight turned his head away and looked out the window.


He could be intense…

No, strike that, he was pretty much always intense but he wasn’t broody. He spoke his mind and didn’t hesitate to do it when he had something to say. He wasn’t a man of few words. He had words and he used them.

So, as I noted, this was weird.

“I’ll take on Creed.”

This came from Knight, directed toward the window but meant for me.

“What?” I asked.

He turned to me. “I’ll take on Creed. Make it worth his while. If he’s got to take extra time to go down to Phoenix and see his kids, he’ll have it. I always need good men, men I can trust. He’s a man like that.”

I stared at him, my breath failing me.

He didn’t want me to leave.

He was trying to make it so I’d stay.

Holy shit!

I didn’t know what to do with this.

“I…” I started, swallowed, sucked in breath then told him quietly, “He doesn’t agree with what you do.”

Knight tipped his head to the side. “He doesn’t agree?”

I shook my head. “He believes you do what you do with integrity but he doesn’t agree with what it is you do. He won’t work for you and even if he would, it wouldn’t be fair to ask him to leave his kids. He loves them. For me, I believe he’d do that but it would tear him apart, so I won’t make him.”

Knight held my eyes a second then looked back out the window.

I took in another breath as I pulled my boots from his table, put them to the floor then leaned my elbows into my knees.

“I’ll come back, visit you and Anya and Kat,” I told him.

“Got a lot to be thankful for,” he told his window, his words confusing me. “A good woman, beautiful daughter, work I believe in, money, men around me I trust.” He turned back to me. “Still, you left, that hole will not be filled. Not ever.”

Holy f**king shit!