
“No,” I answered on a heavy breath, arching my back and cocking a knee to try to get it under me in order to lift up and use my weight to throw him off.

“Baby, you’re beat,” he informed me.

“No, I’m not,” I informed him, straining against his weight.

His h*ps slid off then my panties were yanked down and I went completely still so my body could enjoy being rocked by a mammothly pleasant vagina spasm.

“Give?” Creed asked again.

“No.” This time it came out on a breathy breath.

His hand shot between my legs, finger honing in on my clit.

Fuck, that felt good.

My h*ps jerked.

“Give?” he asked, now his voice was all rough, no smooth, totally hot.

Oh yeah. I gave.

“Yeah,” I gasped.

“Please, God, tell me you’re off your period.”

I’d had my period the last few days, an unfun circumstance normally, a really unfun one when I wasn’t big on ha**ng s*x during it, which meant I didn’t get to have sex with Creed. He got me off with his fingers, I got him off with my hand and mouth but it wasn’t the same.

Now I was back.

“Yep,” I gasped again, his finger moved back and plunged deep.


I moaned into the floor.

I was ready for him, now. It had been four days. I needed him inside.

“Now, please, God, tell me you got a stash of condoms in the kitchen,” Creed went on.

Alas, I did not but after he f**ked me, I was stashing them everywhere around the house. Under seat cushions. Taped to the bottoms of tables. There would not be an inch of space in my house where a condom would be out of reach.

“No,” I answered.

“Fuck,” he clipped and I felt his finger start to move out.

I whipped my head around and looked at him over my shoulder. “Don’t. I can’t wait, Creed. Fuck me now and pull out. It’ll be cool.”

His finger did lazy strokes as his face dipped close to mine and he replied, “Baby, pulling out does not work.”

“Our luck has changed. It’ll work for us.”

“Sylvie, you just finished your period but pulling out does not work. Even a day after your period, let’s not take chances.”

I saw his mouth moving but I wasn’t sure he was speaking and this was because I was focused on all I was feeling.

God, God, even lazy stroking, not having his c**k but having his face that close to me, his finger inside me was doing a number on me.

I needed him. So much, I couldn’t focus on this shit.