
Then I asked, “What?”

“Look at me.”

I straightened a bit in his lap and tilted my head back.

His hands came to either side of my face, fingers moving, shifting damp tendrils of hair away, wiping away wet, his eyes watching them move before he framed my face and looked deep in my eyes.

“When has my Sylvie ever been alone?” he asked softly.

I closed my eyes and my head dropped forward, my forehead hitting his chin.

He kissed me there then his lips moved against my skin, “You always got me.”

I nodded, my forehead moving against his chin. “Yeah,” I whispered.

“Where is she?” he asked.

I sucked in a shaky breath and pulled back an inch, tipping my head to catch his eyes.

“I wrapped her in a blanket. She’s at home.”

“Your Dad and the stepmonster?”

“He’s golfing then having dinner with his cronies. She’s shopping then drinks with her girls. He said he’d call the vet but they said they couldn’t come until tomorrow.”

He looked over my shoulder and muttered, “Priceless. Pure Bissenette, his daughter’s dog dies and he’s f**kin’ golfing.”

“Creed,” I called and he looked back at me.

“I’ll take you home. Get her. Take you both to my place. You say good-bye and I’ll take care of her.”

I stared at him.

God! He was so wonderful. Everything. Everything. He was everything to me.

“Thank you, Creed,” I whispered.

“Gotta take care of my girl’s Bootsie,” he whispered back.

I looked deep into his beautiful, beautiful blue eyes.

Then I whispered again, “Thank you,” leaned forward and touched my mouth to his.

On the way back, his hand suddenly slid up into my hair, moving fast, his fingers curved in and my head stopped its retreat.

His gaze bored into mine. Something about it was hot. So hot, I felt it burning me.

Mine bored back.

Then I moved forward and it was only a couple of inches but Creed met me halfway.

Then his mouth was on mine, mine was on his, his opened, mine followed suit and his tongue slid inside.

Oh my God.

Oh my God!

Creed was kissing me!