Broken Dove(75)

So hot, I moaned.

At my moan, his voice gruff, he demanded, “You’re in no shape but still, swear it. Swear it to me now, Madeleine. No recriminations tomorrow.”

Oh my God.

Was he…?

I wasn’t going to waste time asking.

I shook my head frantically. “None, nope, not a one. It’ll all be good tomorrow. All good.”

His gaze burned into mine and it did this, like, forever.

So long, I couldn’t take a moment longer and breathed, “Baby.”

His eyes moved to my mouth. “This word goes through me like a knife.”

“Is that good?” I asked.

His eyes came back to mine.

Then he let me go and exited the bed.


He moved to the door.


He stopped at it, locked it and moved to the table.

Oh God.


I pushed up to my knees, yanking my skirts out from under them so I could walk on them across the bed. I stopped at its edge.

He poured a cup of tea, and just the delicate cup in his big hand turned me on beyond reason (not that I wasn’t already there) and nearly sent me over the edge.

I did a full-body tremble when he put the cup to his mouth and threw his head back, downing it.

Oh God.


He put the cup down and turned to me.

God, oh God, he was beautiful.

I stood on my knees on the bed, the insides of my thighs quivering, and stared at him.

He stared back.

“You’re beautiful, Apollo,” I whispered.

I watched him run his tongue over his lower lip.

At the sight, my sex convulsed and I whimpered.