Broken Dove(57)

“As has been everything when it comes to Ilsa of the other world since her arrival,” Apollo returned and lifted a brow. “Four months, Achilles?”

His cousin’s lips twitched.

Apollo found nothing amusing. “You know the dangers that lurk and thus the haste that should have been made.”

“She’s difficult to deny,” Achilles replied.

Apollo was already concerned about that. The steadfast Achilles falling to her charms made him more so.

“I’m sensing this,” Apollo told him and then shared, “Derrik and I had words.”

“I was afraid of that,” Achilles murmured.

Yes. Achilles didn’t miss much.

“He will not be in her company for some time,” Apollo stated.

Again, Achilles watched him closely, but he said nothing, only nodded.

“As you noted, plans have changed,” Apollo told him. “She has some concerns about being around Christophe and Élan. I’ve given her the choice to come with me to Bellebryn tomorrow or come here.”

He ignored Achilles’ look of surprise and carried on.

“She has until sunrise to make her decision. When I leave, if I don’t return, you’ll know she chose to come with me. You’re to stay here, as is Derrik. Dispatch Remi, Laures, Hans and Draven to follow us to Bellebryn. I’ll act as her guard on the journey. They’ll look after her in Bellebryn.”

“Four months ago,” Achilles started carefully, “you did not seem keen to spend time with her, cousin.”

“She and I have had a discussion that has changed my mind.”

Achilles blew out a breath and Apollo knew what that meant.

“It’s not that way,” he assured him.

“It wasn’t that way for Derrik either, in the beginning. And you should know it wasn’t that way for Laures or Remi as well. For Derrik, it took about a week. Remi and Laures fell not long after. And I have suspicions about Hans and Gaston.”

It was worse than he thought but not worse than he could imagine. Not after spending time with her, in the beginning and at the inn.

Still, he whispered an irritated, “Bloody hell.”

“The good news is, they’ll be an excellent guard. They’d lay down their lives for her,” Achilles offered.

“They lust after my wife,” Apollo bit out and watched Achilles tilt his head to the side.

“Is she?” he asked quietly.

And the second time that day, Apollo found his mouth speaking for him before his mind engaged.

“She will be.”

Achilles blinked and asked, “What?”

Warming to this thought, he explained, “The story being shared as people will see Ilsa and wonder is that she is a distant cousin of my Ilsa’s, widowed, and her parents have recently been lost. She’s come to Lunwyn for my protection. And it’s custom, is it not, for a widowed man to take to wife a widowed woman who is in the family, however removed, in order to provide her succor and protection?”

“By the gods, cousin,” Achilles whispered. “It is, but it will be lost on no soul for miles around and throughout the Houses that Maddie is the image of your departed wife.”

“A happenstance that will likely not be questioned considering I did not hide my feelings for my wife or the ones I held after she was lost. Therefore, it would not be a leap that I would be drawn to one who looks just like her.”

“Too true, but this is mad, Lo.” Achilles was still whispering. “Once the troubles are over and Maddie takes her place at your side, everyone will know she’s a replacement of the one you cared so deeply for and lost.”