Broken Dove(31)

Pierre, who was teaching me how to ride, was running after us, shouting in French. But his voice was fading away as the horse and I galloped through the flowers.

It was two days after the prostitute had come to call.

Two glorious days.

And I was on a horse because it occurred to me that, seeing as they didn’t have cars here and I didn’t know how to ride, I should learn. So I’d spoken (okay, gestured) to the maids.

With a lot of smiles and laughter at my machinations, I finally got the message across and had been introduced to Pierre. I didn’t know what he did at the house but it didn’t matter. While I smiled and laughed at his gesticulations, he agreed to teach me how to ride. But I only understood this when he led me to the stables, showed me how to saddle a horse and then he showed me how to get on. It continued from there.

I also knew all the maids’ names. I further knew how to say horse in French (cheval). I’d remembered bonjour and merci, which I started using (making the staff smile happily and nod enthusiastically) and I learned bonne nuit. Sure, it wasn’t much, but it was something.

Further, I’d taken a walk down the wildflower flanked lane, almost to the church, which was a lot further than it looked so I’d stopped and turned back. Nevertheless, if the view was something from my balcony, it was much better up close.

This meant I had slippers that fit me (six pairs and they were all awesome and fit like they were made for me—because they were!). I also had dresses that fit me (and they were even more amazing than the ones I’d been wearing).

And I’d taken the time to thoroughly peruse the shelves in the library. When I did, I found several books in English. Two were all poetry (which I’d tried but it wasn’t my gig). One was a gothic drama (which I was reading and it was pretty good).

But the most important book I found was a history of the Houses of Lunwyn.

This I read with great interest.

It didn’t have Apollo’s name in it so I was guessing it was dated. But it did have a rather long forward that gave a lot of history of Lunwyn (including dragons and elves!) as well as an explanation that a “House” in Lunwyn was a line of aristocracy. Some were richer than others, some held more land, some more power (power went hand in hand with money and land, by the way), but all of them had been around for centuries.

Reading it I learned the Ulfr House was very powerful, and according to the book, very respected. This wasn’t exactly a surprise (perhaps the respected part was, considering the head of it was a jerk). I could tell Apollo of this world had some serious cabbage and my guess was money in any world meant power.

Further, the day before, after my fittings, the maids had excitedly given me a newspaper that was in English. It was dated, but it shared the joyous news that the beloved Black Prince Noctorno of Hawkvale and ruler of Bellebryn, and his bride, Cora, the Gracious (kickass nickname) had successfully delivered upon “the Vale” another heir to the throne, Prince Hayden.

Good news for the Vale, as the birth of a child always was, but an heir to the throne meant a whole country got to celebrate (and they did, with festivities planned for a week).

And last, I was having my second horseback riding lesson, and although not doing well with it, it was fun.

I knew I should pull back on the reins and call “whoa,” but I just couldn’t. It didn’t feel good on my ribs but that didn’t mean it didn’t feel good.

So instead, I held on, endured the pain, bent forward over the horse’s back, allowed the beauty all around me to fly by and let my mind go.

That was, I did this until I heard the beat of horse’s hooves behind me.

I turned to look and saw one of Apollo’s men racing after me.

In the last two days I’d seen all of Apollo’s men, though I hadn’t spoken a word to one of them (still, not to be rude, if they caught my eye, I smiled and they usually smiled back). I did this on purpose and took great pains in doing it. I was building happy mojo and a reminder of the other Ilsa, and mostly Apollo, might be a blow to that effort.

I wasn’t ready. We’d be “away” sometime probably soon, and since I’d be traveling with them, I’d have no choice but to do it then.

So I’d do it then.

But this one (dark hair and features that told me he could very well be related to Apollo) clearly thought I was in trouble and was coming to my rescue.

That was nice and all but the only thing I could think was, Crap.

I pulled back on the reins. The horse slowed but not fast enough. I knew this because suddenly the dude chasing me was right beside me.

I gasped aloud when he wasn’t beside me but on my horse with me.

Somehow, in the blink of an eye, he was seated behind me, his arm snaking across my belly to hold me to him. He pulled the reins from my hand and yanked back. I also felt his thighs squeeze the horse and it slowed to a stop.

Without delay, he swung off and once he had his feet on the ground, he reached up to me. His hands spanned my waist and he pulled me down with him. He was gentle but that didn’t mean I didn’t hit the ground with a thud that sent pain through my midsection, enough to make me wince.

I heard incoming hooves beating but I couldn’t turn to look because he was addressing me.