Broken Dove(180)

I nodded and ran to the hooks by the front door. I grabbed one of my cloaks and threw it on. I opened the trunk under it and nabbed some gloves and pulled those on too.

Then I was out the door.

I had no horse of my own in the stables so I had no choice but to walk to the main house. I did this as swiftly as I could, following the snowed over (as there hadn’t been any of late) trail Apollo and the men’s horses had made.

It still was a fifteen minute walk and even with my fur-lined cloak and gloves, I was frozen through by the time I hit the front door of Karsvall.

I stood there not knowing what to do.

Should I knock?

And what if the kids saw me?

Then it hit me it was early afternoon, after lunch and outdoor activities. They should be at their studies. So at least that was safe.

Talking to Apollo, that was another story.

I lifted my hand, not knowing whether to go for the doorknob or rap on it, when it was opened.

Achilles was standing there.

“Hey,” I greeted.

“Maddie,” he replied, his eyes openly studying me but he didn’t hesitate to reach out, wrap his fingers around my elbow and pull me out of the cold. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you,” he noted, closing the door.

“Uh…yeah,” I replied, looking nervously into the house and seeing nothing but Apollo’s fabulous décor.

“You’ve been well?” Achilles inquired and I turned back to him.

“Yes…no. That is, yes-ish but I would say no more,” I replied and his head tipped to the side.

I could get he was confused at my answer but I didn’t have time for this. I had just spent fifteen minutes walking, time that ate away at my courage. I had to get down to this and pronto.

“Listen honey,” I went on, moving closer to him. “I’d love to visit but I need to speak with Apollo.”

“Is anything amiss?” he asked.

“No, but yes,” I answered.

His lips curved up as he murmured, “She speaks in riddles.”

“I need to talk to Apollo,” I repeated on a whisper.

His eyes moved over my face and it was Achilles that got closer and his voice got lower when he said, “I’m sorry, Maddie, but he’s away to the Drakkar seat.”

My heart thumped so hard it hurt.

“Away? You mean, he’s gone?”

“No. Not yet, but he’s preparing to go and will be leaving soon and with haste. He has a long journey and must make it in time for the gale.”


“I really need to talk with him, Achilles.”

He hesitated a moment and I had to give it to him, his voice was kind when he lowered the boom.

“He would not welcome this talk, little bug.”