Broken Dove(176)

That was, figure out what to do with my life in this world.

A life without Apollo and his kids in it.

The problem was, I had no clue what to do with that life.

See, I really didn’t want to be a prostitute. Even if they were revered in this world, I still thought that would suck.

And I couldn’t be a ladies maid. I knew this because I couldn’t do hair and had no clue how to iron clothes in this world.

A barmaid seemed kind of fun, but they didn’t exactly wear nice clothes or hang with the best crowds and Lord knew, with my allure for trouble, it would find me and bars were where trouble often started seeing as alcohol was imbibed in them.

I could probably work in a kitchen since I knew how to cook but we could just say that baking those cookies was a pain in the ass. It was worth it in the end, but they didn’t have measuring cups in this world. Or ovens that had temperature controls. I could go on. Those cookies were touch and go from the start and I considered it a miracle they worked out okay.

I considered the option of starting my own business. They didn’t have pizza in this world and everyone liked pizza. They liked it more when it was delivered to their house and the only thing they had to do was eat it and throw away the box. But, alas, I didn’t figure pizza would stay warm being delivered in a sleigh. And starting my own business would require money, which I didn’t have.

In other words, there really weren’t a lot of opportunities that I’d seen for women in this world. In my world, I could get by. Sure, I would have to go back on the run. But before I took off, I stole a bucketload of Apollo’s money that I’d stashed in safe places all over, so I didn’t actually have to make a living.

Just run.

And hide.

But I couldn’t get back to my world.

So I had a medieval history degree and department store experience in a world that was kind of living its medieval history and had no department stores.

I was f**ked.

Apollo was right, my options were not vast. I really only had one.

Marry him.

And honestly, when he wasn’t being an arrogant ass, that was far from a bad choice. He came with a great house, cute kids and a pack of good friends, not to mention kickass clothes.

He also came with tender looks, interesting conversation, laughter, the ability to make me feel cherished and unbelievably great sex.

But now, I didn’t have any of that because he was making it clear he didn’t want me anymore.

Yes, I was f**ked.

I sighed and it was a big one.

The one bit of good news in the last four days was that I started my period. So I wasn’t pregnant.

Though, it must be said, having your cycle in that world was not fun and games, seeing as their sanitary products were as medieval as the rest of the world was. I’d learned this on the journey from Fleuridia (not fun to start your period around a bunch of guys you couldn’t ask about tampons or pads and find a way to make do) and, like chamber pots, I still wasn’t used to it.

I drew in a big breath and sighed again.

“Miss Maddie?”

I turned my head to see Cristiana standing in the doorway.

The one saving grace these last four days was that Apollo left me with my girls. At first, they’d acted the same, except a little cautious because of my mood. Now, they were watchful—in a caring way, of course, seeing as that was how they were.

But I hadn’t shared what happened and twice I’d seen Loretta open her mouth only to have Meeta give her an elbow to the ribs. So I knew they were worried.

I also knew I should open up to them. They were my friends. Or they were becoming my friends.

And even Captain Kirk had chats with Spock and Bones. Mostly, it was mild arguing or banter but he shared his troubles with them. He was not the man, the island. Of course, the crew of the Enterprise was always in a life or death situation and that tended to promote sharing. Still.