Broken Dove(135)

And also because that had not occurred to him.

Not once.

She called the other him “Pol.” She’d never slipped and even started to call him that name.

So this couldn’t be.

Could it?

“I’ve had four months with her and she told me much about this man,” Derrik stated.

At that, uncharacteristically, Achilles lost his temper and he did it clipping out, “She told you much and she did it because she trusted you. Do not betray that now, Rik.”

Derrik’s mask slipped, remorse shining through as he glanced at Achilles then he looked back at Apollo, opening his mouth to speak.

“And right now you taste the blood Lo put in your mouth, Rik,” Draven stated before Derrik could say a word. He moved to stand close to Apollo and finished, “But if more comes out of that mouth about Maddie, you won’t be picking your teeth out of the snow. You’ll be coughing them up from your gut.”

Through this, Apollo remained still and silent.

And through it, Derrik glared at Apollo. When he got nothing he transferred his glare to Draven, then Achilles and finally he moved to his horse, muttering, “I’m away to Specter Isle.”

“Do you wish to be buried on Lazarus land, or Ulfr?” Draven asked after him as he mounted.

Derrik looked down at them all.

“If that decision needs to be made, I’ll be dead so do I care?”

After that, he clicked his teeth, sent his heels into his steed and burst through the snow.

When Apollo lost sight of him, he turned to the other men and asked, “Was it Derrik’s decision not to stay at my castle in The Vale?”

“He did decide our route, Lo,” Achilles answered quietly.

“Did he share the reason he steered you from such luxurious accommodation when it was along the straightest route to the port? Not to mention, he seemed quite keen on showing Maddie much of this world. I’ve asked and she’s seen not a single castle except from afar, when she spied Bellebryn from the ship.”

“No,” Draven replied shortly.

Apollo looked back to the lane, murmuring, “He is not right.”

“Lo, you should know, he seemed quite taken with her from almost the beginning,” Achilles shared.

Apollo looked back to his cousin, repeating, “He is not right.”

“He’s a man in love,” Achilles returned carefully, his astute eyes on Apollo. “They do many things that are not right.”

“You, alongside me, grew up with that man, cousin. That man who just rode away is not the man we grew up with. Again, he…is…not...right.”

“I agree with Lo,” Draven stated. “He’s not right.”

“And what do you think this is?” Achilles asked.

“I think that after what Minerva forced Tor and Cora to endure, the blackness of soul that Baldur has always had, the magic at their command, we should be very aware of anything that is not right,” Apollo replied. He looked at Draven. “Set a man to following him.”

Draven nodded and turned instantly to the house.

Apollo looked at Achilles.

Achilles spoke and he did it quietly.