
“You have to work it out.”

“Faye, honey, seriously –”

“You don’t want to talk, then work it out another way. Make love to me.”

His body went completely still, he said not a word and I was with him on both counts.

Did I actually say that?

I would find that I did when in an instant I was on my back and Chace was on top of me.

“You serious?” he whispered.

No. I wasn’t serious. I was crazy.

Though, one couldn’t argue with the fact the weight of his big, heavy, warm body felt good on mine.

“Yes,” I whispered back.

“You ready for that?”

No. I absolutely was not ready.

Though, again, his big, heavy, warm body felt good on mine.

And, well, I hadn’t forgotten the conversation with Lexie, Laurie and Krystal and how they’d all had to unfuck a man and they’d done it (partially) by, well, f**king him.

Tonight, Chace had what was f**king him up come back up.



“Yes,” I whispered.

“You sure?”

He was reading me even in the dark.

“Yes,” I repeated quietly. My hands moved up the bare skin of his back, liking the feel but attempting to communicate I was sure.

“Faye, baby –”

He needed to get a move on. If this was going to happen, it was him who had to start it. I’d proven I could follow. I sure as heck couldn’t lead.

In order to facilitate this, I demanded quietly, “Kiss me, Chace.”

“Fuck,” he growled and my hand slid into his hair.

Seriously, his hair felt great.

This gave me courage so I lifted my lips to his and whispered, “Kiss me, honey.”

He slanted his head and kissed me.

Then, about a second later, he proved me correct.

I was great at following.