
“You will,” he muttered.

“All right,” she muttered back.

“Seven,” he stated.

“Seven,” she agreed, nodding once.

“I gotta go.”


“Before I go, give me that mouth,” he ordered and watched her eyes get wide.




“Baby,” he whispered. “Before I go, I want your mouth.”

He felt her tremble in his arms. Then he felt her body slide up his as she came up on her toes.

Then she gave him her mouth.

Chace took it and kept doing it until it was close to out-of-control. Only then did he stop, lift his lips, kiss her nose and step back. He pulled her from the door and held her loosely until he knew she was steady on her feet. Then he gave her stunned, soft, pretty, turned on face a smile before he walked away, not looking back.

Chapter Five

Chocolate Peanut Butter Sundaes

I waited until the afternoon when my Tuesday volunteer, Mrs. Bagley came in to help out before I went to my office and grabbed my cell phone.

I’d spent all morning trying to decide who to call. I was closest to Lexie and knew her the longest but she’d made it clear she wanted me to try things with Chace so I didn’t think she could be objective. Krystal could maybe be objective but I wasn’t sure about that. She seemed kind of hard, not to mention, even though I knew deep down she was good people, she frequently scared me. I didn’t know the rest of the posse enough to share.

This left Lauren.

But choosing Lauren wasn’t a process of elimination so much as her being the best choice.

I didn’t know what it was but there was just something about her that was special. Something that made you know she’d have your best interests at heart. Listen. Advise thoughtfully. She was more mature, experienced. It wasn’t that Lexie and Krystal weren’t all that but they were more opinionated.

I needed someone to really listen and after they did, advise.

In the end, I was pleased to know I chose well and made note of it for (hopefully) future counseling sessions as things (hopefully) moved forward with Chace.

When I called her, I could hear the bar sounds in the background but when I asked her if she had time to chat, I heard them fade then go clean away after she said yes.

So I told her everything to the minutest detail that happened between Chace and me. And it was fair to say I remembered the minutest detail.

Through this, she listened.

When I was done, I asked quietly, “Well?”

“Was there a question, honey?” she asked quietly back.

“Yes,” I told her. “Should I have pizza with Chace?”

There was humor in her voice when she replied, “I thought that wasn’t exactly a choice.”