
I took an angry sip of coffee. Even delicious La-La Land coffee, and Chace looking and sounding gorgeous while laughing, didn’t make me any less peeved so I was glaring at him still when he stopped laughing.

I was also ready for him.

“Why are you here, bringing me coffee?”

He answered immediately, “At first it was ’cause I saw you sittin’ here in the cold so I got you a coffee and came to tell you that you didn’t have to sit here in the cold since I set up cameras.”

He lifted his coffee cup but his long, attractive index finger (yes, he even had an attractive index finger) was extended and pointing through my windshield. I followed it and screwed up my eyes to look and, indeed, there they were. In the upper corner of the library, three cameras pointed in different directions aimed around and at the return bin.

“Feeds go to a tape,” he continued and I looked back at him. “Interns at the Station can scroll through ‘em. They see the kid, they alert me or Frank. We got an image of him, it’s better than the sketch, we might be able to get a hit on missing persons or runaways in a national database. We get a direction coming or going, I can put up more cameras, different places, different angles, find out which direction he heads here from and if he goes back the same way.”

“Oh,” I whispered.

“That was why I’m here bringing you coffee until you told me your life is pretty crazy,” he went on. “Now I’m here to listen to why your life is pretty crazy.”

“It’s nothing,” I blew it off.

“It’s something if Dobie Gray sets you into the dark night putting yourself in danger in order to brood.”

“I wasn’t in danger,” I retorted.

“Faye,” he said softly, “I know you know not too long ago we had a serial killer who lived undetected amongst our own and did it for a good spell. I also know you know that recently, serious shit went down that rocked this town and I’m guessin’ you, like everyone, is waitin’ to see if more will come of that. And, honey, more might come of that so you have to have a mind to your safety.”

“More might come of that?” I asked quietly, adding onto my mental list of things to do when I got home. I needed to message Benji and Serenity and implore them to give up their long-distance sleuthing.

“You show me yours, I’ll show you mine.”

At his words, I felt my eyes get wide and I breathed, “What?”

“Crazy life,” he stated as his explanation and I got it.

I decided I might as well tell him. It was becoming clear that along with multiple personalities, Chace Keaton cursed with alarming frequency and was bossy and annoying in the morning. He also was obstinate, but not just in the morning.

“There are rumors that due to budget constraints, there are going to be cuts and one of those cuts is Carnal Library. They’re thinking of closing it down entirely.”

I watched his eyes flashed right before he noted softly, “You’ll lose your job.”

“And the town will lose its library,” I replied.

“Shit, Faye,” he whispered.

“So, yeah, crazy stuff. Now, you show me yours.”

He shook his head and asked, “Is there something we can do?”

“Who can do?”

“You, me, the town,” he answered.

I shook my head but said, “I’m asking. We can conceivably fundraise, go for grants and it doesn’t cost a mint to keep a library running but it isn’t a drop in the bucket either. There are things we’ve needed to do awhile and haven’t had the money, such as upgrade our computers which are five years old and see a lot of use. Carnal has some money in it, a few private donors who, if feeling generous, might help out but if they don’t, local fundraising might not be enough.”

“Petitions?” he asked and I shrugged.

“No idea.”

“Wouldn’t hurt,” he told me. “Get one made up, I’ll take one to the Station. You can give Lexie one, she’ll get signatures at the salon. Stella, the garage. Krystal, Bubba’s. Maybe they see the community backing the library, they’ll look elsewhere.”

“That’s nice, Chace, but the elsewhere they’ll be looking to cut is at the schools or the Police Station. If people know that, the library is screwed.”