
“Uh…” I mumbled but had no idea what to say. All that was true and, looking back, seemed more than slightly ridiculous.

“Kid like that knows this town like the back of his hand. Kid like that, fear that huge, he’ll fight and scratch and die before anyone he doesn’t know lays a hand on him. Kid like that needs care and communication. He needs to feel safe. He does not need anyone chasing him and shouting at him. He won’t hear your words, just your tone. And he’ll know what chasing means and he’ll do everything in his power not to get caught.”

“So that’s why you didn’t, uh… catch him?” I asked stupidly.

“That’s why,” he answered shortly then elaborated. “He hit the dark of that backyard, he was vapor.”

“Oh,” I whispered thinking, maybe, he was actually still in that backyard and hiding.

“Get that outta your head,” Chace broke into my thoughts. “I went back and looked. He’s gone.”

“Oh,” I repeated on a whisper, now thinking it was weird Chace Keaton could read my thoughts.

“Jesus, Faye, you want me to help this kid, you gotta help me help this kid. And makin’ him more scared is not the way to go about doin’ that.”

“Okay,” I agreed quietly then hesitantly asked, “So, um… what is the way to go about doing that?”

“I don’t know. Seein’ him, that is not a kid who’s escaped an abusive home. Or it’s not the only shit in his life. He’s terrified, of what, I have no clue. But whatever it is, it’s huge or at least it is in his head. We have to find some way to establish trust so he’ll let us approach or he’ll come forward.”

“Food,” I said instantly and his head jerked.


“Food. I’ll put out food. And… and… a coat!” I cried. “He needs a coat. I’ll go buy him one. I’ll put it out by the dumpster.”

“Honey, he’s not goin’ back to that dumpster. Not again. Not ever.”

“Oh,” I whispered as my mind raced and I came up with another idea. “At the library. By the return bin. He returns his books. He hasn’t been back in a week because, well, I chased him last time and he hasn’t returned any books either. But he will. He always does. I’ll put food and a coat out by the bin. And… and… more books. I’ll find ones like he likes to take and I’ll put them out there. With a note telling him he can find what he needs there and if he needs anything he’s not finding, to leave a return note and it’ll be left for him.”

I watched Chace jerk up his chin before he said, “That’s a good idea.”

I grinned at him and said, “Thanks.”

His eyes dropped to my mouth, it seemed strangely that his body went still then his eyes came back to mine and he asked instantly, “Why were you crying?”

I felt my grin die and I took a step back, murmuring, “Chace –”

“Why were you crying?” he repeated.

I took another step back saying, “I don’t think –”

My heart started to beat harder when he took a step toward me and he asked again, “Why were you crying, Faye?”

I started actively retreating as Chace started actively advancing and I said, “I think I told you that’s none of your business.”

“Faye, why were you crying?”

I hit the foot stand of my bed and was forced to stop.

Chace didn’t stop until he was toe to toe with me, neck bent, eyes locked to mine.

“I’ll ask one more time, honey,” he said gently. “Why were you crying?”

I felt it prudent, considering his proximity, to answer.

So I did.

“I was listening to a song that made me cry.”