
“Not to get you riled up again but I get him. It’s different, girls and boys. A man will want his son to step up.”

“Maybe so but I know I’m not wrong when I tell you it’s different also between children and adults. Children aren’t expected to step up until it’s time to teach them to be adults. But before you do that, you have to let them be children. It’s a guess, but you never got that.”

He closed his eyes and tipped his head so our foreheads were touching but not before I saw that raw look wash over his face and I finally got it.

And I hated it.

He opened his eyes, pulled his head back half an inch and confirmed what I just figured out.

“I never got that,” he whispered.

I stared in his beautiful face, feeling his awesome chest hair teasing my br**sts, his powerful arms around me, his heavy legs tangled in mine, his heat seeping into me. I took this all in and instead of it along with the end of our fight, the knowledge of his love, the lingering orgasm soothing me, I got pissed.

And when I say that, I mean, I… got… pissed.

So this was why I informed him, “You know, even Darth Vader had the good grace to ask Luke to join him on the dark side.”

Chace blinked then his arms got tight.

But it was too late.

Way too late.

I was gone.

“I mean, they were fighting to the death and he cut off Luke’s hand but still, he gave him the fraking choice.”

“Faye –” he started, my name trembling with humor but this was lost on me.


“But Trane Keaton?” I asked then immediately answered, “Noooooooo. He doesn’t ask. Just drags you right in. No hand extended. No, ‘Chace, I’m your father. Join me on the dark side,’ giving you the opportunity to say, ‘Never!’ Not for him. No. He just shoves you right in!”

“Honey –”

I tore from his arms but only to sit up, smack him in the chest and rant on.

“I mean, seriously? You saw a kinky sex tape he starred in! How can he even look at you much less kiss your girlfriend’s hand? Gross! Darth Vader didn’t have a girlfriend. He gave all his attention to quashing the rebellion! As he should!” I started yelling. “Until this moment, I never would have thought I’d say up with the Empire but, here I am, saying it! Darth had a mission and one had to ask oneself, considering the Emperor was wrinkly and seriously ick, what the frak? But you could see deep inside Darth was struggling. Because deep inside he was Anakin. There’s no Anakin in Trane Keaton!” I shouted then I found myself on my back in the bed with Chace on top of me.

“Baby, calm down,” he whispered, grinning.

His grin was lost on me since I was focused on scowling and declaring, “I do not like your father.”

“All right, darlin’.”

“Darth Vader’s a better father which states exactly how bad your father is,” I declared.

“Okay, baby.”

“And let’s just say it’s good I’m not a trained Jedi because I’d get my light saber, jump in my T-65 X-wing Starfighter and hightail my ass to Aspen and call him out if I was.”

His mouth twitch was also lost on me as he murmured through it, “Yeah, honey, that’s good.”

“He might still have it, even being advanced in years, but he’d be no match for a light saber,” I added authoritatively.

“Probably not,” Chace muttered.

I kept scowling.