
I meant for him to get me and it.

But I wasn’t planning on it.

Still, I had to roll with it.

“You love her. I’ll love her because I love you and not a crush love like I was feeling for thirteen years. A real love for a good man who teases me and makes me laugh and makes me feel safe and holds me close at night and watches way too much sports and not enough geek TV and gives me amazing orgasms, one of which I had before walking out of my house this very night.” I paused, he said not a word, I struggled against having a heart attack and then finished lamely, “And you can take that to the bank.”

Then I wasn’t in my seat.

My seatbelt flew back and I was hauled across the cab, my booty wedged between Chace and the steering wheel, his hand was in my hair, his other arm was tight around me, his lips were crushing mine and his tongue was invading my mouth.

Okay, so, he liked it that I loved him.

Good to know.

I melted into him, rounding his neck with my arms, pressing into him and let him have everything he wanted to take. Apparently, he wanted to take a lot because the kiss lasted a long time. It went from heated to scorching and it was one of those times I felt Chace’s effort to tear his lips from mine when he eventually did.

But he didn’t let me go and put me back in my seat.

He buried his face in my neck and breathed.

“To sum up,” I wheezed, my breath still coming fast, my heart turning over with happiness, “Stop worrying, honey. Everything will be just fine.”

“You’re a f**king miracle,” he whispered against my skin and I closed my eyes.

I loved that he thought that about me.

“I’m a woman,” I whispered back.

“You’re an angel.”


God, I loved him.


“Okay, but I’m yours and I think God frowns on some of our more miraculous activities, activities I enjoy so perhaps we can keep that title on the hush-hush and I’ll just be your woman.”

He lifted his head and looked down at me through the subdued light. I felt his eyes gentle on me, saw his face was soft and relaxed before he whispered, “Works for me.”

My ploy which included me sharing life-altering emotion worked.

I grinned.

He grinned back, bent his neck, touched his mouth to mine then shifted me, depositing me back in my seat.

He turned the SUV lights off and he was at my door by the time I hopped down which meant he had a steadying hand on my elbow when I did. That hand slid down so his fingers could lace in mine as he pulled me out of the door and slammed it. Then he walked me across the dry, very black blacktop asphalt to his front door.

Weirdly, it seemed the snow had been trimmed at the side of the drive, it was so perfectly removed. So I guessed when you had gobs of money you had money to spend on people manicuring your snow.


The door was thrown open before we got to the semi-circular set of eight steps (I counted) that got narrower and narrower until we hit the top. Another dither died when I saw the elegantly attired, extremely attractive blonde woman with a soft updo wearing a light pink cocktail dress and high heels smiling gleefully at us.

I wasn’t overdressed. Fraking brilliant.

“Chace, my darling and Faye,” she gushed, stepping out into the chill night air and throwing her arms wide. “I’ve been on pins and needles all day. No!” she cried, “All week.”