
When she came back, not yet completely comfortable with her nudity in front of him, she was wrapped in his robe that was on a hook on the back of his bathroom door.

His mother bought him that robe post-Misty. Somehow when she was over, she’d discovered his old one was gone, this being because Misty, in the beginning, had taken to wearing it. So when her shit went, his old robe went too.

Another woman had worn the robe Faye now wore. He didn’t like that and made a mental note to get rid of it and get another that was just hers.

She left it on when she crawled into bed.

Which meant he got to take it off.

This he did ten minutes later.

Ten minutes after that, after he’d made her come, he was back inside her to find it himself.

And just like Faye always did, she found it again too.

Chapter Fourteen

He Was Gone

Chace was outside the Station putting the crate with Malachi’s books in the back of the Yukon when his phone went.

He slid the crate in, straightened out of the truck and grabbed his phone.

The display said, “Faye Calling”.

He hit the button and put it to his ear.


“He moved his fingers and toes!” she screeched in his ear.

Chace dropped his head and smiled at his boots.

That morning, he’d gone for a run, come home, dragged his girl out of bed and into the shower then he’d taken her to La-La Land. They got breakfast while Faye filled Sunny and Shambles in on all things Malachi. He left her on the sidewalk outside La-La Land with a kiss. He was going to his truck and drive to the Station. She was walking the two blocks to her place to change then go to the store to get Malachi treats and last, to the hospital.

He’d separated from her a little over two hours ago. After a briefing from the boys that coincided with the two he had from Deck the day before, he’d asked the interns to modify their search to include missing siblings. Then he’d taken care of some business and now he was on his way to the hospital to check in and get Malachi his books.

He was doing this because the kid had nothing. Those books, the way he had them organized, meant something.

So Chace was going to take them to him.

“They said he ate all his breakfast even though they had to help him and he’s been awake all morning,” she told him. “He hasn’t spoken yet but when I walked in he smiled at me.”

She said this like her favorite movie star walked off the red carpet, picked her up in his arms, carried her to his limousine and drove off into the sunset with her.

“Great, honey,” Chace muttered.

“They’re moving him to a normal room now. But they say they’re only keeping him another day,” she stated.

“Karena is meeting with your parents as we speak, Faye.”

“I know, Mom called and said that’s why they’re not here. Is that going to go okay?”


“Sure?” she pressed.

“Yeah, baby, I –”