
I stopped biting my lip and whispered another lie, “Yeah.”

There it was. One lie led to another then another and another and then you were drowning in them.

“I had trouble sleeping all my life,” Laurie told me then grinned. “Tate fixed that.”

“I bet,” Krystal muttered.

“And I bet Chace would find ways to keep you from driving up the mountain to Harker’s Wood in the middle of the night if you had trouble sleeping,” Lexie put in.

I didn’t want to think about that.

No, that wasn’t strictly true. I didn’t want to think about that now, when I was at work. I wanted to think about it later, when I usually did. When I was in bed with the vibrator that it took me three months to psych myself up to buy on the internet. Something I used often considering I was a twenty-nine year old virgin with a thirteen year old crush on a man who, until a few of nights ago, I didn’t think knew I existed.

Needless to say, Chace factored largely when my time was occupied with this activity.

“I think, now that the ice is broken, you need to give him a sign,” Lexie went on.

“She needs to back off, let that boy sort his shit and, if he’s salvaged something that makes him worth her while, then she can give him a sign,” Krystal advised.

“Life is too short and too precious to wait for that, Krys,” Laurie added in a quiet voice.

Krystal gave her a look that said she was right and Krystal found that annoying.

I had, in getting to know her, learned that Krystal found a lot annoying.

“I…” I started then finished softly, “wouldn’t know how.”

“Kiss him,” Lexie suggested instantly, I blinked, my body locked but I felt my face heat again at the very idea.

“Are you nuts?” Krystal hissed, now leaning in close to Lexie.

“No,” Lexie replied. “Nothing says, ‘I like you’ like your tongue in their mouth.”

One thing could be said for that, it was inarguably true.

“So, did that work for you? Did you kiss Ty and then everything was hearts and flowers?” Krystal asked, leaning back and again crossing her arms on her chest.

“Actually, no,” Lexie returned. “I didn’t. But things were hearts and flowers when I wanted to do it, had an overwhelming urge to do it and I didn’t do it. And it was exactly the time I should have done it. Then things went bad and it would be days before I got another shot. Or, I should say, I did eventually kiss him and it didn’t work out then things went bad and days after that Ty took his shot and that, well,” she looked at me and grinned, “that worked out great.”

As far as I could tell, it certainly did. I saw Lexie a lot because she came around to the library and sometimes sat with me in the diner when we were having lunch. I didn’t see Ty very much but when I did and he was with his wife, it was clear they were close. Very close. Happy, loving close.

It also helped to know this seeing as she was currently six months pregnant.

“Not to put a damper on your enthusiasm, honey,” Laurie entered the conversation at this point, eyes on Lexie, “but I’m uncertain with what Faye told us so far that going for that kind of gusto at this juncture is the right advice.”

Lexie held Lauren’s eyes as she spoke then her gaze swung to me. “Kiss him.”

Krystal threw her hands in the air at the same time she threw her honeyed locks back as she stared up at the ceiling with easy to read exasperation.

Laurie gave me a grin.

As for me, I was not ever, ever going to kiss Chace Keaton.

Not until he kissed me.

If that should ever (please God!) happen.

Lexie kept speaking as that thought gave me a pleasant shiver.