
When he was close, he yanked her up his body but took her hand, wrapped it around his c**k and they both finished him off together.

When he came down, the look on her face told him she liked what she’d caused. So much, even with the mess on his stomach, he moved her hand with his into her panties and used her finger against her cl*t to finish her off, doing that together too.

He knew she liked what she’d done and what they’d done together because even though he’d given her a cl**ax not long before, this didn’t take long.

When her eyes fluttered open as she was coming down and then after he kissed her, he took her to his shower so they could both clean up.

* * * * *

It was after their shower.

After Faye located her purse which had fallen off her arm when he carried her to his bedroom. He must have kicked it after she dropped it since it was in the living room. She had found it the night before to get her shit to get ready for bed and left it there but clearly in her anger forgot she did.

She searched for her purse in one of his clean tees so it was also after she located her purse, dug out and tugged on another pair of sexy panties, these ruby red. After that, Chace caught her in his arms and told her he appreciated her jewel-themed underwear collection, something that made pink hit her cheeks and him chuckle.

It was after she did the breakfast dishes during which her cell rang. After Chace listened to her side of the slightly less irate conversation she had with her father which was no less hilarious but far more confusing. She went on about someone called Walter who apparently had a chunk of his brain cut out, but who would also never disrespect his son called Peter, even though Peter wasn’t really Walter’s son but an identical person Walter kidnapped from an alternate earth. From her side of the conversation, it was clear her father found her analogy just as confusing as Chace did. Chace didn’t try to swallow down his chuckles because the whole thing was so f**king hilarious he knew he wouldn’t succeed. And he had no problem enduring Faye’s annoyed glares because those were equally hilarious.

It was also after she finished the call with an exasperated but nevertheless heartfelt “Love you, Dad,” that didn’t include her threatening to dump him on a habitable planet with an ass**le, that she explained to Chace her analogy was from a show called Fringe. After this she spent a little time explaining the show and zero time attempting to convince him he’d like it since, from what little she said and since she knew him, she also knew she had no hope of achieving that.

It was after she made him lunch, they did the minimal dishes and she suggested they relax in front of the TV. This filled him with dread and he didn’t hide it which made her laugh, wrap her arms around him, lean in deep, tip her head way back and promise in her sweet, soft, musical voice she wouldn’t lead him astray.

Therefore, he’d agreed.

So it was also after she found he had Netflix and convinced him to try the TV show Psych. She told him it wasn’t geeky but hilarious. He’d agreed mostly because she was in his house, wearing nothing but his tee and ruby red panties, he was in track pants and a long-sleeved thermal and he didn’t much give a f**k what they did just as long as she was close when they did it.

Which meant it was also after she found one of her favorite episodes, turned it on and they settled stretched out on the couch, Chace with his back to the back of couch, head in his hand, elbow in the couch, Faye tucked in front of him in the curve of his arm, head on a toss pillow.

And last, it was after he was relieved to find she was right about Psych. It wasn’t geeky. There were no spaceships, alternate universes or fantastical explanations for ridiculous plot devices. It was just damned funny and, to top that, clever.

So it was then, when the episode ended, she reached to the big square coffee table that sat surrounded by his sectional, hit the button to take them back to the Netflix menu, she turned on her back in front of him and gave him her crystal blue eyes.

“So?” she asked and he grinned down at her.

“You were right, baby, not geeky, just funny.”

She grinned back. “Isn’t Shawn the bomb?”

The guy was funny but that wasn’t the word Chace would use.

Still he said, “Yeah.”

She turned his way and got up on her elbow, head in her hand and suggested, “Maybe you need a fake psychic detective at the Carnal Police Department.”

Chace chuckled, carefully tangling his legs with hers, an intimacy like all of them that he’d cautiously initiated with her that she took without reaction except to allow it and settle in.

And as he did this, he replied through his chuckle, “He’s just hyper-observant with an understanding of detective work. That’s kinda my job so we already have one and that would be me except the fake psychic part.”

Her eyes slid to the side and she mumbled, “Oh, right.”

Which was so cute, he had to lean forward and touch his lips to hers.

So he did.

As he was doing it, his cell on the coffee table rang.

Faye twisted her neck to look over her shoulder at it but Chace tightened the arm already around her waist, leaned into her, let her go to reach and nab his phone then brought them both back.

He looked at the display and let out a sigh.