
That was surprising. I didn’t even know you could own land you couldn’t do whatever you wanted to do with it.



“Uh, maybe a stupid question,” I started. “But why would you buy land that you can’t build on?”

“You see my view?”

I smiled at the ceiling.

“So what you’re saying is, it was a stupid question,” I remarked, my smile in my voice.

“Nothin’s stupid, Jussy. ’Specially with that. Just to say, me and my Airstream here, it’s about my ma.”

I felt my tight muscles tighten further at a mention of his mom before I forced them to relax, turned to the side and stared down the short, dark hallway toward the shadow of Deke on his couch at the end.

I tucked my hands under my cheek and called, “What’s about your ma?”

No pushing, he gave it to me.

“Losin’ Dad, she didn’t have it good, raisin’ me on her own. Things got tough a lot. A kid is a kid but they still feel things like that. Especially things like that. Much as she tried to protect me from it, she was my ma, it was just the two of us, so I felt it.”

I hated that he felt that.

Hated it.

I didn’t interject that sentiment and Deke kept going.

“When I was a kid, she used to tell me stories. About how we’d make it one day, build a big house on a lake. Have a boat. Go waterskiing. Go fishin’. Lots of shit like that.”

He stopped talking and to prompt him to do it more, I said, “Yeah?”

“Yeah,” he replied, his tone softer, reminiscent. Through it he gave me a hint of melancholy and a lot of beautiful. “I got older and knew we’d never have that, but she didn’t quit dreamin’. She said she was gonna retire by a lake. Not a big house. Little cottage, she said. Not much to clean. Not much to take care of. That was gonna be the end of her days, her in a cottage by some lake. She wanted that for her and I wanted it for her. She worked hard her whole life. She deserved that.”

My voice carried, but it still was soft when I noted, “She didn’t get her cottage, did she, honey?”

“No, Jussy.”

“I’m so sorry,” I told him.

“What she did was give her boy that,” he told me. “She had a life insurance policy. Not much in it but it was enough that, when she died, I took it and found the most beautiful lake I could find. Bought this land. Bought my Airstream. Set myself up here. Just like she would have wanted.”

“So the shit with Mav dies down, I get Dad’s collection, I have him and Granddad with me. But you, you have your mom with you every second you’re here.”

He didn’t answer immediately but his deep voice was sweet when he did.

“Yeah, baby.”

I drew in another breath, this one deep and it burned a little at my throat, down into my lungs.

Once I had it in, the air of his trailer, the air Deke breathed, I let it out saying, “You know how you told me I was one of the best women you’ve ever met?”

He again didn’t answer immediately, then his deep voice sounded.

“Don’t, Jussy.”

I did.

“You’re one of the best men I’ve ever met.”


“That’s it, Deke. I’m a lucky girl. Blessed. Given so much bounty, it’s almost embarrassing how much God likes me. But He really must like me because I have all I have and He also gave me you.”

“You’re gonna be shutting up now,” Deke declared, I could hear the gruff in his voice, the buried emotion.

That was beautiful too.

I grinned down the hall.

“You’re also gonna be shuttin’ your eyes and goin’ to sleep,” he commanded.

“You and Mr. T might have had a taking-care-of-Justice-meeting-of-the-minds but this is plain bossing me, Deke.”

“Yeah, it is. And you keep talkin’, you’ll be talkin’ to nothin’ ’cause I’ll be putting my earphones in.”

It was my turn to boss.

“You listen to Dad, I want to hear it.”

“You’re talking,” Deke noted.

“No, seriously. I want to hear it.”

“Don’t got one of those speaker things. And sound is shit through the phone.”

“First chance, mall for Deke Hightower. Coffeemaker and speaker dock.”

“You buy me that shit, I’ll tan your hide.”


Deke spanking me.

A quiver slithered down my spine, the small of my back, through the crease of my ass to settle in between my legs.

I rolled to my back and stared at the ceiling, knowing I should shut up.

Even knowing that, I still wasn’t going to let it go.

“You’ll have to catch me first. Though, that might happen as you’ll be caffeinated by decent coffee.”

I rolled back to my side as I heard and felt the movement of Deke making his way down the hall. I watched his big body hit the small space I was in, filling it up. I also watched as his phone illuminated that space and in a couple of seconds, I heard Dad singing.

He set the phone on the built-in nightstand next to his bed.

Then I watched as he bent deep and after that, all I could do was feel.

Feel his hand cupping the back of my head. Feel his lips touch my temple. Feel the rumble in his voice as he whispered in my ear.

“You’re safe here, Jussy. Got me lookin’ after you. Got Twyla outside lookin’ out for both of us. Got your dad watchin’ over you. So stop yammerin’ to keep sleep away. Close your eyes, gypsy, and I swear to God, you’ll be safe in your dreams.”