
It was what was at her throat that made Deke’s gut burn.

Her voice was softer, beginning to tremble, when she told him something else he heard.

“I called Bianca. She didn’t pick up. Left a voicemail. Mr. T has taken over dealing with her parents. He doesn’t want me more upset than I already am. So he’s informing them about what happened.”

“Got another friend, also a good man and smart as a whip,” Deke said. “He’s got skills. He’s also got a business where he uses those skills and he’s got a team. You want, I’ll talk to Decker. He’ll find her for you.”

“Can you call him?” she asked, the good side of her face starting to dissolve, now that she had nothing to do opening it up for the weight of what had happened to come crushing down.

That was when Deke was done with leaning his hips into the counter.

He moved to her, wedged himself in beside her and pulled her into his arms.

That last, he didn’t need to do. She came out of her cross-legged position. Shifting to her hip, she fell to his side, landing with her chest to his as well as the healthy part of her face, snaking an arm around his stomach, pressing into him.

Only then did he answer her request.

“I’ll call him.”

“Thanks, Deke.”

He held her with one arm and carefully wound his other hand in her hair.

“You wanna tell me who this Mr. T guy is?” he asked.

“Mr. Thurston. Granddad’s manager. Dad’s manager. He was also my manager when I was more active, and still is, to tell the truth, even if he isn’t managing tours and making sure no one fucks me over.” He felt her let out a big breath before she continued, “He’s a good guy. A member of the family now. Though he isn’t demonstrative. All business, always has been. I still think he’d push me out from the front of a speeding train even if it meant he took that hit.”

“Good you got that, Jussy. All that you got,” he told her.

“I know,” she replied, like she totally did.

He gave her next what he needed to give her so she could mull it over as shit calmed down and stuff started fucking with her head.

“Chace wants me to talk to you about Victims Assistance. Early for you, baby, but puttin’ that in your head. You need it there to know, things start fuckin’ with you, we make a call and we’ll get you some help.”

“Thanks again, Deke.”

“Now, want you to quit talkin’,” he said. “You need to rest your throat. Also gonna put you to bed because you just plain need some rest.”

He felt her cheek slide on his chest and he tipped his chin down to catch her eyes.

“I couldn’t sleep.”


“I just drank two cups of not the greatest but very strong coffee,” she told him.

He shot her a grin. “I know my gypsy’s feelin’ better, she’s givin’ me shit about my coffee.”

“I’m going to the mall first chance I get and getting you your own four-cup Mr. Coffee. No coffee drinker should drink instant.”

“I like it.”

“It’s awful.”

“It’s coffee.”

“It’s awful coffee.”

“It’s an excuse for you to bust my chops so you’re not layin’ down and tryin’ to get some shuteye.”

“This is because there is no way I’ll achieve the shuteye portion of that order.”

“Then you can’t sleep but you can rest.”



They went into staredown, something Deke had a feeling he’d win but he didn’t get the chance to bring that to fruition.

He heard vehicles approaching.

He looked to the door and felt her head lift from his chest to look that way too.

Carefully, he detached from her, got up and went to the side window.

Then he blew out a sigh.

Krys’s Camaro, Lexie’s Charger, and if it wasn’t bad enough Krys was clearly bringing a posse rather than just a bag filled with Jussy’s things, that posse included Twyla and Deke knew that because her pickup followed Lexie’s Charger.

He turned his eyes to Jussy.

“The big-haired cavalry has arrived.”

Her brows drew together, she flinched and again his gut burned.

“Stay here,” he ordered.

She nodded.

Deke went out the door.

He was at the bottom of the steps in front of the closed door by the time they all got out of their cars and started tramping his way, the girl gang including Lauren, who was carrying a bag.

“You couldn’t carpool?” he asked.

“Get out of my way, big man,” Krys demanded.

She was pissed and not hiding it, a staple in Krys’s emotional stratus.

Though now he could see she was a lot more pissed than normal.

“She’s had a rough morning,” Deke growled.

“No shit?” Krys asked, stopping in front of him.

“She doesn’t need you losing your mind,” Deke told her.

Krystal had no reply except to put two hands on him to shove him out of her way.

There was no chance Krys could shove Deke out of her way.

What there was a chance of was a heavily pregnant Krys wanting to get to her friend so Deke would let himself get shoved out of her way.

This he did.

She threw open his door and stomped in.

“Hey, Deke,” Laurie greeted, walking past him, face a warring mixture of amusement and concern.

Deke lifted his chin.

“Deke,” Lexie said, also walking past him with the same look on her face, except with Lexie, it was clear the amusement was winning out.