
“Oh my God,” I whispered, figuring my girl was going to step right into a shit storm when (if) she got off that plane.

Deke slid his hand down to my neck and bent closer to me.

“What I’m sayin’, gypsy, is that good or bad, way it is right now, they got nothing to pin on either of them.”

“Except opportunity and motive,” I pointed out. “And them leaving the country right after the murder.”

“Except that but, baby, that’s dick without any physical evidence or eye witnesses. And those tickets were not purchased on the fly and they aren’t one-way. They could say their vacation was planned.”

“Caswell is linked to Bianca and me,” I reminded him. “And his dead body was found in Anca’s apartment.”

“You’re right,” he agreed. “But just because she’s got motive doesn’t mean they can do shit about it. Deck says at this point, they don’t even have enough to do anything but bring her in for questioning. She got bored, she could walk right out. They have nothing on either of them to hold them. As far as the registers go, your friend doesn’t own a gun and never did. It’s suspicious a known associate she owed money got dead in her apartment but that’s all it is. By the time they get back, they’ll have their stories straight, their alibis tight, and my guess, you’ll hear from your girl who’s clean and healthy and with a guy who does it for her. He’s just a sharp-dressed man who’s way the fuck dirty.”

“So Tony is still playing it smart,” I remarked.

“He did this, or arranged for it to happen, yeah. And to that end, Jussy, can’t believe he’d even do him at her apartment unless there was a reason why. Could be he’s settin’ someone else up. Could be Caswell surprised them. Could be some other enemy was setting him up. Who the fuck knows? That’s a loose end and this guy isn’t about loose ends. He did Caswell there, he had a reason. We just won’t know that reason until his play plays out.”

“I don’t know what to do with this, Deke.”

“Only thing you can. If your girl was in on it, she took care of her problem, a problem she made yours. Not in a good way but that don’t mean it isn’t done.”

“You’re right,” I mumbled. “That doesn’t mean it isn’t done.”

But God, what was done was crazy.


I focused on him.

“Likely she’s never gonna share outright with you she had someone whacked, and there’s still doubt, minimal but it’s there, she actually did. She does, then I got a problem with her because that puts you in an uncomfortable position of keepin’ your mouth shut about a felony which is another fuckin’ felony. That swings your ass right out there in a way you got problems throwin’ your girl under a bus she set in motion and doin’ that gettin’ you heat from whatever organization Rojas is running.”

“God,” I whispered.

“She caused this problem for you,” Deke stated. “And her sharp-dressed man’s got it together, no way in fuck he’s gonna let her share anything with you, for her and, he cares enough to find you to call to offer condolences about your dad, for you. It’s just done, baby, and you’ll never know how it got done. Just move on.”

“Move on from a friend having someone murdered for me?”

“Move on from some fuckwad breaking into your house and beatin’ the crap outta you, choking you, scaring the shit outta you and you don’t know dick about what happened after. But at least that shit’s just done.”

As totally fucked up as it was, Deke was right.

That shit was just done.

“A miracle has occurred. Something’s actually put me off food,” I declared.

He grinned at me, slid out his thumb and stroked my jaw. “You’ll get that back.”

I nodded, hoping that happened before Steph’s chicken.

He bent and brushed his lips against mine before he straightened, moved away and yanked at his mask so he could pull it over his head, shouting, “Bubba, enough time!”


It had been pre-planned.

“Thank fuck,” Bubba said, walking into the room with paper plates, two cans of Coke and a Fresca. “I’m starving.”

We headed to the ratty-ass furniture Jim-Billy rounded up for me.

Once there, I set about handing out sandwiches.

And there was me.

My bestie was tight with a criminal, linked to a murder, off to Costa Rica…

And I was doing the only thing I could.

Moving on.

Chapter Sixteen

Without You


I watched Deke haul his big body off his couch and head to the kitchen.

He’d cleaned his plate and was getting seconds.

I grinned down at my plate as I shoved more cheesy, chile chicken in my gob.

“My gypsy princess can also cook.”

At his quiet words, I looked to him.

The Crock-Pot was steaming. The pot with rice at his stove was too. As was the plate Deke again had piled high.

“The recipe has four ingredients, not counting the rice,” I shared. “It’s hardly gourmet.”

He moved back to the couch, folded into it and stretched out his long legs, his head turned to me.

“Not a big fan of gourmet, babe.” He used his fork to indicate his plate. “But I’m a big fuckin’ fan of this.”

I smiled at him huge.

He watched my smile, his lips quirking before he turned back to his chicken.

But from the bent of our conversation, I decided it was time. Time to share what needed to be shared. The perfect segue into Deke knowing who the woman was he gave the key to his trailer so she could set up a Crock-Pot.