Knocking Boots - Willow Winters Page 0,79

to. I would have waited for him forever, but he threw me away and left me here in this small town.

Now he’s home and says he wants me back. Second chances don’t work in love. No matter how much I wish I could erase what’s happened since he’s been gone... no matter how much I think of falling back into his arms…



I shift a little on the blanket as the sounds of crickets from the woods behind us get a bit louder. We're alone out here on the outskirts of the state park. I can hardly breathe in this strapless lace dress, and it’s awkward sitting on the ground with it riding up so high. It’s the prettiest one I have though, and the most revealing. It’s not that it’s too tight, although it feels as if it is.

Tonight’s the night.

I peek up to my right at Hunter and give him a shy smile, feeling the warmth of a blush flood my cheeks. My heart swells, although I’m still a bundle of nerves. He looks so handsome even in his simple faded jeans and white tee shirt.

My lungs fill with the scent of his cologne. He smells so good. He’s never worn it before. He knows tonight is different, too.

We’ve been dating for almost a year. We're high school sweethearts. A full year. I’d say it’s my longest relationship, but it’s my only one ever. And I never want another. I want to be his, and only his. Tonight I’m taking a leap of faith.

I know when we graduate in three months, it’s going to be hard. He’s going into training, and I’ll be going to college. I lace my fingers between his; his hand is resting on my bare thigh. He looks down at me and clasps my hand while giving me a sexy smile. We’re going to make it work though. He’s my one and only. And I’m his.

His arm is wrapped around my waist and we’re seated on the edge of the blanket. My bare toes sweep along the grass as he pulls me closer to him. The spring air is a bit chilly at night, and goosebumps form down my arm. I didn’t bring a jacket. A small shiver runs up my shoulders and I curl up against his hot body. A deep chuckle rises up his chest. I love that sound. I love it when he laughs like that. He rubs his hand up and down my arm, warming me.

I lay my cheek against his hard chest and put my hand on the lower part of his stomach, against his shirt. My heartbeat picks up and I feel like I can barely breathe. My fingers dip down a little lower. The tips brush along his bare skin.

My breath stills in my lungs. I’m going for it. I bite down on my bottom lip and clench my thighs as arousal pulls between them. I slip my hand a little lower, past the deep “V” of his hips, and they just barely push into the waist of his jeans when his hand wraps around my wrist, holding me still. I can feel the coarse hair below.

“Vi,” he says, and there’s a hint of admonishment in his voice.

My heart squeezes in my chest. I know we shouldn’t, and he’s never pressured me, but I want him. I want this to happen. And I know he does, too.

“Hunter.” I feel brazen as I keep my fingers dipped below his waistband and meet his gaze. His eyes heat with a fire I’ve seen before.

“I know you want this,” I barely whisper. In the past, he’s been quick to pull away, but this time he only holds me tighter.

He closes his eyes and speaks just above a murmur, “Vi.” My name slips between his lips with a reverence I’ve never heard before. His grip on my wrist loosens and I pull away, but only to place my hand… down there, against him. My eyes widen slightly. I’ve never felt his dick before. I’ve never even seen one. I wasn’t expecting it to be so big, or so hard.

My hearts stutters in my chest and my pussy clenches around nothing. My hand itches to pull away, but instead I push it harder against his cock, to feel more. My fingers wrap around his length as best they can in this awkward position. I can feel everything in me pulsing with need.

“Violet,” he breathes my name.

In an instant, he looks back at me Copyright 2016 - 2024