Knight's Absolution (Knights of Hell #5) - Sherilee Gray Page 0,92

you out, that he’d want the use of your powers. You’d been in the basement so long. I just wanted you out. I never expected the knights to take you. Then after they did, Ronan found me. I thought…I assumed he felt about Sir the way you and I did. For as long as you’ve been separated from Ronan, you’ve been desperate to find him. He was alive, and I wanted to give you back your brother.” He sat heavily in the chair by the bed. “I’m so sorry. I got everything wrong. As soon as I saw you in that alley, I knew I’d messed up.”

She stood and went to him, her need to soothe his pain overriding her anger. She’d felt a bond to the older demi from the moment she’d met him. What that was, she hadn’t understood until now. She cared for Spencer like family, like she thought a daughter might love her father. So she lowered herself to her knees beside the chair and pulled him in for a tight hug, surprising him.

“Get over it,” she muttered. “I’m a hugger now, apparently.”

He chuckled and gave her a squeeze before lifting his head. “We need to get you out of here and back to your knight.”

Luna climbed to her feet and sat back on the edge of the bed. “There’s no getting away from Ronan. Not yet. His power is wrapped too tightly around me. I can feel it. The moment I step outside this room, he’ll know.”

Spencer rubbed his hands over his pale, tired face. “There has to be something we can do.”

“I’ve tried to talk to him, to tell him the truth about Azel. He’s struggling to reconcile what I’m telling him with the lies that fucker has force-fed him for most of his life, but I think…I think I might be starting to get through.”

A pulse of energy blasted through her, so strong and dark and cold and ugly, she gripped her stomach and had to bite her lip so she didn’t dry heave.

“What is it?” Spencer asked, jumping to his feet and rushing to her.

Oh god, no. No.

“It’s too late. He’s here. Azel's here.”

Chapter 29


The key slid into the door, turning easily as if it hadn’t sat unused for fuck knew how long. She pushed the door open and helped him inside before shutting and locking it after them.

“I found out some information about the rooms Lucifer created. The only entrance to it is the door we just came through, and without the key it’s impenetrable.”

Tobias stood and looked around the large space. It was a living room, with a large couch covered in cushions and lots of black and silver accented by touches of crimson. Several doors were leading from it.

Scarlet motioned to the one closest. “An office of sorts.” Then to the one beside it. “A dining room.” Then the last door. “That’s the bedroom.”

Was it just him or had her voice turned husky? “I don’t want to complain, but I think I’m going to fall on my ass if I don’t lie down soon. Do you mind?”

“Oh, of course.” She helped him again, moving to the last door. She turned the handle and pushed it open.

“Jesus,” Tobias muttered.

She giggled, and his stomach gripped tight at the husky, sweet sound.

“Who the fuck needs a bed that big?” Tobias said, eyeing the monstrosity.

“I don’t think he spent much time in it alone.”

No shit.

The room was decorated in more black. Black silk walls. Black velvet bed coverings with silver and gray cushions in velvets and silks. The furniture was deep mahogany, and there were silver candelabras and wall sconces and an open fireplace built into the wall opposite the bed. Between the fireplace and the bed was a large, soft-looking couch flanked by chairs, also in black velvet.

Lucifer liked black.

The room was huge, and he assumed the former king of Hell had spent a lot of time here.

Scarlet pulled back the covers, and Tobias screwed up his face. “Christ, do I want to get in there?”

Scarlet bit her lip, fighting a smile. “It’s fine. It smells fresh and clean. It always does. I guess Lucifer wasn’t a fan of laundry and made it so he didn’t have to do any.”

“Thank fuck for that.”

She laughed, and he paused on his way to the bed as the sound worked its way through him. That laugh, it was the one she’d make when they were fooling around, teasing, play fighting. Throaty and sexy. The one Copyright 2016 - 2024