Knight's Absolution (Knights of Hell #5) - Sherilee Gray Page 0,89

around. His brother bounced on the balls of his feet, covered in as much demon blood as Gunner was, sword swinging in his hand. He jutted his chin to the other side of the parking lot.

Demons, at least five of them.

Gunner drew his sword, on the edge of losing his shit completely. Rocco had been where he was now, had been living with the rage a long time, and they were feeding off each other’s fury and despair. In the back of his mind, he knew how dangerous that was, but right then he couldn’t find it in himself to give one single fuck.

He wanted Luna back, and he would hunt down and torture every demon in this city until one of them talked.

The demon standing slightly ahead of the others grinned, eyes alight with humor.

“Something funny?” Rocco taunted.

The demon shrugged. “Just remembering this bitch we picked up earlier.” He lifted his hands in fake surrender and spoke with a higher voice. “Who are you? What do you want? No, please don’t hurt me. Funny shit.” He chuckled. “Like seriously, can’t these whores come up with a new script already?”

His friends laughed with him.

They were purposely trying to get them to attack, that was obvious, but Gunner couldn’t hold back his reaction. His demon couldn’t either, and it fought to be free. He glanced at Roc, whose bare shoulders rippled as his demon did the same.

“Remember that one a while back?” The demon talking elbowed the one closest. “That bitch lost her shit.” His gaze slid to Rocco and locked on. “Who did she keep calling out for again?” he said to one of his buddies. “Donny…Ronny? No…Rocco. That’s it.”

Rocco turned to stone beside him.

“Help me, Rocco. Roccccccooooo.” The demon smirked. “She was shaking so hard, and you should have seen her eyes when we handed her over to the orthon Diemos sent for her. Fucking hilarious. Our king was looking forward to meeting her too. Wonder how she’s doing in Hell?” He grinned wider. “How do you think she enjoys sharing Diemos’s bed?”

Rocco’s roar split the night like thunder before he exploded into his Kishi demon form, and once Rocco shifted, there was no holding Gunner’s demon back. He didn’t want to. He wanted to tear those demons apart. Their smiles vanished when both Gunner and Roc used their wings to propel them forward. They spun and ran.

Fuck that.

His fangs and claws elongated, rage throbbing through him. Rocco’s wounded snarl, his pain and rage matching Gunner’s own. They went after the demons, and Gunner tried to keep his focus through the red fury clouding his vision, but it was impossible.

They rounded a corner, deeper in the shadows now, behind a building set for demolition. There weren’t five demons anymore, there were at least twenty-five.

Gunner didn’t pause, and neither did Rocco. This was a setup, there was no doubt in Gunner’s mind, but he and his brother knew exactly what they were flying into. Diemos, Azel, trying to take them out, fuck knew and fuck if he cared. Did they really think uneven odds would stop them? Did they think they could win against their fury?

The only thing that would stop either of them at this point was having their females returned to them unharmed, but since that wasn’t fucking happening, every single one of these demons would soon be nothing but ash on the ground.

“That demon’s mine, and I’m taking him alive,” Rocco said as they swung their swords, cutting through the first demons dumb enough to come at them.

Gunner nodded, and with a roar removed the head of the demon in front of him. The one right behind tried to back up and Gunner laughed, the sound pure evil. The darkness inside him slipping a little deeper into his bones and through his veins. He didn’t care about that either.

He would kill every fucking demon in this city, would tear it all down, and he wasn’t going to stop until he had Luna back.

He would never stop.

Luna stiffened as the door to her new prison opened. Her brother walked in. Alone.

She’d been there four long nights, and each morning she woke expecting Azel to be there to take her back, for her nightmare to begin all over again. Only this time without the mercy of numbness. This time she would feel everything, body and soul.

But he hadn’t come. Not yet.

And every morning Ronan came in with food and offered her a glass of blood—whose blood she had no Copyright 2016 - 2024