Knight's Absolution (Knights of Hell #5) - Sherilee Gray Page 0,8

appear as if she were seeing the knights through intense, undulating heatwaves.

She glanced over her shoulder. Sir was still in a deep sleep. She’d taken a lot of his blood. He slept heavily after she fed properly, needing to regenerate what he’d lost. He wouldn’t wake for several hours.

It was wrong to leave this room, but the thing inside her, the sensations that moved through her body whenever Gunner was close, was even stronger now. She needed to resist, but the force drawing her to him was impossible to fight.

Tugging on her robe, she rushed out of the bedroom and down the stairs. She wanted to get closer to him, that’s all, to see what would happen. Maybe discover what this odd feeling inside her meant.

Darting down the hall, she ducked through the kitchen to avoid the demons on patrol. The risk she was taking was huge, but still she couldn’t stop herself.

Slipping out the back door, she moved around the side of the house.

Her breath quickened again when she saw Gunner, and her skin flushed hot. The feeling was…she didn’t know how to describe it. Only that she wanted more of it.

This is dangerous.

But she had to know why she felt this way around him.

She moved closer. The tall, heavily muscled knight was frowning. He was always frowning. He stopped suddenly and looked back in her direction. There was no way he could see her, and she took advantage, taking in her fill of the handsome male. He was always so serious, but there was a kindness in his eyes that made her belly grow even more squirmy and warm.

His head tilted to the side, and he changed direction suddenly, moving with purpose, moving toward her. A moment later, he stood just inches from her, his wavy form distorted by Ronan’s block. She wanted to reach out and touch him so badly her fingers twitched at her side.

And then she couldn’t resist it, and her hand lifted all on its own as he turned his body so he was looking right through her. Her hand hovered a mere centimeter from his bearded jaw. He frowned harder.

Demons were starting to gather in the front yard, watching his brother. They hadn’t seen Gunner yet. But it was only a matter of time before they attacked. The knights would have no warning. One moment they would be alone, the next surrounded by their enemy.

“Leave,” she said, unable to stop herself from giving the warning even though he wouldn’t hear her, the same way she hadn’t been able to let the beast hurt him months ago. “Leave this place and never come back.”

Gunner jolted, his brows lowering.

Had he heard her?

No, it wasn’t possible.

“Hello?” he said, voice deep and harsh.

Luna froze, blinking at the male right in front of her. Shocked. He had. He’d heard her.

“Over there!” one of the demons yelled.

They’d seen Gunner.

“They’re coming,” she said urgently.

He spun around, drawing his sword.

But it was too late, the demons had revealed themselves, weapons in hand. They attacked his brother, and Gunner ran to help him.

Luna clenched her fists so hard her nails bit deep into her skin, trying to lift a block around him. Why was she risking everything for this male? It didn’t make sense.

But again, she couldn’t stop herself from trying.

Still recovering after her last punishment, she had to fight for it. Her nails dug deeper into her palms, and blood dripped down over her knuckles as she called her power forth.

Her eyes rolled back as agony stabbed at her repeatedly. She wasn’t strong enough for this, not yet.

Just a little longer.

Demons attacked from the front, and Gunner fought them back with his sword, his battle cry lifting goose bumps all over her skin. The brothers were outnumbered.

Bloody tears streaked down her face, but not from using her power, and not from physical pain. She was used to that. She lived with that every day. What did these tears mean? What did any of this mean?

A demon ran at Gunner from behind, about to bury his blade in Gunner's skull.

Now. It had to be now.

The block flew up as the demon appeared, stabbing at Gunner. Instead of stabbing the knight, he hit her shield. The hilt of the demon’s knife bounced back, hitting him in the face with a bone-crunching thud. The demon shrieked in pain, and Gunner spun around with a snarl, weapon held up, ready to fight. More demons came at him, but met the same fate, failing to make Copyright 2016 - 2024