Knight's Absolution (Knights of Hell #5) - Sherilee Gray Page 0,69

while he covered her back.

It was bloody carnage.

Moonlight filtered down on the scene, light glinting off weapons, the clash of steel, the thunder of gunshots, and the cries and screams of pain filling the night. No, these demons weren’t trying to hide. No disappearing acts. No surprise attacks.

Did Azel still have the power to do that without Luna? Her brother's power had been given to someone else, but it wasn’t being used here, not now.

A demon ran at Gunner, ducking his sword and slicing his side with a dirty fucking knife. With a hiss, Gunner grabbed the demon’s hair, wrenched its head back, then planted his foot in its chest, sending the fucker flying. When it came back at him a second time, Gunner didn’t miss, and the demon’s head hit the gravel, turning to ash a moment later.

A scream came from behind him as Rocco shoved his sword through another, taking its head as well—

A loud whistle echoed across the lot.

Gunner spun around.

The demons around them suddenly stopped what they were doing, turned, and ran for the shadows.

“After them!” Chaos roared.

The knights took flight, the others chasing them into the surrounding streets. Grace managed to take several more down with her bow as they tried to run, and Chaos stalked after them, removing their heads.

They continued to search the area, but most had gotten away, splitting up and running in all directions, heading for the darkness.

Eventually, they all made their way back to the parking lot. Silas, Brent, along with Laz, Zen, Roc, and Kryos were standing in the center. Gunner wasn’t the only one bleeding. And he sure as fuck wasn’t the only one pissed right the hell off.

“What the fuck was that?” he said. “Were they just in the mood to get fucked up or what?”

Silas shoved his fingers through his black and gold hair. “Some were skilled fighters, but most were not.”

“Yeah, which means they were dispensable,” Brent said, wiping his blade clean on the side of his suit pants, his gun now back in his chest holster.

Grace and Chaos strode over to join them, the rest of her crew standing back.

“We managed to get a couple more, but most got away,” Chaos said, looking as pissed off as the rest of them.

Grace scanned those assembled, then turned to her crew, the demi who fought beside her almost every night. “James?” she called out.

The demi all glanced around when James didn’t come forward, and several jogged to check the dark corners of the lot in case he was on the ground injured.

“Maybe he’s left already?” Brent said.

Grace shook her head. “James is my right hand, he wouldn’t leave without telling me.” A muscle jumped in her jaw. “Something’s not right.” She pulled out her phone and tried to call him.

No reply came.

Roc and Kryos took flight, searching from the sky. Gunner, Zenon, Laz, and Chaos joining them a short time later.

The others went back to search on foot.

Several hours later, James was still nowhere to be found.

Gunner walked into his apartment, anger and frustration still riding him.


He paced the small living room, trying to get it together.

It was quiet, but Luna was here, right where he’d asked her to stay. His pacing took him to his bedroom door, desperate to see her. He’d only been apart from her several hours, but he’d felt her absence the way he would a missing sword arm—the most vital part of him, or at least it had been until he’d found Luna.

His hands curled as soon as he saw her, itching to go to her, to touch her skin.

She was lying on her side, head on his pillow, fast asleep. Christ, he forgot how to fucking breathe every time he laid eyes on her. He wanted to climb in with her right then and there. Fuck, he needed her so badly he shook. But he was covered in blood, his own and the demons he’d killed. And the strength of his need for her right then, shit, it scared even him.

So he forced himself to walk past her, to close himself in the bathroom, and strip down.

His muscles and joints felt weary for the first time in a long time, so much so that when he climbed in the shower, he had to press his palms to the cool tile. Head bent, he let the hot spray wash over him.

He clenched his teeth as the rock in his chest kept growing.

James wasn’t a knight, but he was their brother. The Copyright 2016 - 2024