Knight's Absolution (Knights of Hell #5) - Sherilee Gray Page 0,59

into his mate’s eyes.

She reached up and cupped his face. “Stop worrying. I’m not going to run off and join Grace’s crew.”

He made a rough growly sound.

Mia shook her head and glanced back at Luna. “I’ll let you know when we have our next training session.”

“I’d like that.” Luna tried not to react as Gunner moved closer to her, but it was impossible, especially after his kissing demonstrations last night.

Mia took her mate’s hand. “Come on, I need to shower.”

Zenon made a deep, throaty sound and lifted her off her feet and carried her out of the room. And suddenly Luna wasn’t sure what to do. Usually, she would have stepped closer for a hug, desperate to get near Gunner. But after their kiss, she felt…unsure.

“No hug?” Gunner said as if he’d read her mind.

She turned to him immediately, relief that he still wanted that from her, that she could touch him. Because she always wanted to touch him.

He wrapped his arms around her. “That punch was perfect, by the way.”

She pressed her face to his chest. “Mia’s a good teacher.” He rubbed her back, and she sighed. “I’m sorry I’m all sweaty.”

“Doesn’t bother me.”

“I probably stink.”

“Nope, you smell delicious as always.”

She tipped her head back. “Delicious?”

His nostrils flared. “Oh yeah, I’m fighting not to sneak a little taste of you now.”

The ache she’d been getting between her thighs sparked back to life. “If you want to taste me, I don’t mind.”

Gunner groaned and chuckled. “Female, you’re killing me.”

She smiled. His chuckles were infectious. “How am I killing you?”

He didn’t answer, just tucked her hair behind her ear, his gaze locked on hers.

“Are you going to kiss me again?” she asked, because the more he looked at her that way, the more she wanted him to.

“Do you want me to?”

She licked her lips. “Yes…but do you want to?”

“I haven’t been able to think about anything but the way your lips felt under mine last night.”

Okay, she liked that. She liked that a hell of a lot. “Do it, then.”

He chuckled again. “What if I start and I can’t stop?”

“I’m okay with that.”

His head tipped back and he laughed, a deep, throaty rumble. It was beautiful. Could a laugh be beautiful? Gunner’s was. She couldn’t look away as her hands slid up to his chest so she could feel it as well.

When he looked back down at her, his eyes glittered with amusement. “Okay, love. But you need to tell me what kind of kiss you want.”

“I think you know,” she said, suddenly finding it hard to look him in the eye.

He cupped her jaw and tilted her head back. “Tell me.”

She swallowed several times as she met his gaze again and forced herself to say it, to find the courage to ask for what she wanted. And like Mia with the training, perhaps that was the point. “I want a kiss where my body is pressed against yours, so it’s not just your lips on me, but all of you. The one where you opened your mouth and your tongue slid against mine…”

The growl that came from him was unexpected, and before she could say any more, he tipped her head back and brought his mouth down on hers.

A gentle brush of lips, once, twice, three times.

More, she wanted more.

Then he gave it to her. He pressed his thumb down on her chin, opening her mouth, and his tongue swept inside. Her arms slid around his neck, and he tugged her closer, his huge frame bending over her, arching her back as he kissed her more deeply.

His mouth was a demand against hers, and she loved it. She’d never felt this good in her life. She copied his movements, moving her tongue against his until she no longer had to think about it. In the end, she didn’t have to think about any of it, she just felt, letting her mouth do what it wanted because it seemed to know what to do all on its own.

Gunner’s arm spasmed around her before it went loose and he lifted his head, eyes black, chest heaving. “Christ, you’re good at that.”

“Really?” She smiled wide, so wide her cheeks hurt. Happy. She was so incredibly happy.

“Yes,” he said and rubbed a hand over his hair. “You make me forget myself, where I am, who I am. Christ, every damn thing.”

“Since I’ve never kissed anyone but you, that has to mean I’m a natural.” She was smiling like crazy. She had to look ridiculous, Copyright 2016 - 2024