Knight's Absolution (Knights of Hell #5) - Sherilee Gray Page 0,49

lay beside Gunner in her bed.

After feeding her sweets, they’d come back to her room and he’d offered her his vein the way he did every night. She’d accepted, of course. She couldn’t stop herself. She was drinking from his throat tonight, her favorite spot to drink from for several reasons. She could press the entire front of her body to his, and also, the way he cupped the back of her head, sometimes pressing his mouth to her hair, sometimes breathing in her scent was kind of wonderful.

She enjoyed the hell out of all of it.

“Don’t stop until you’ve had enough,” he said against her ear, his heavy, tattooed arm wrapped around her, taking his payment. It hadn’t taken her long to realize he’d only suggested holding her to make her feel better, to appease her guilt. There was no payment. The male gave and gave and demanded nothing in return. And every sweet thing he did cracked her protective shields a little more each time.

She drew deep from his vein and her belly squirmed, the heat there swirling before dipping lower, the same way it had when he’d sucked her finger, hitting her between the thighs.

She gasped against Gunner’s throat and squeezed her legs tighter together.

That helped. It felt good, actually. So good.

She wanted more of the feeling. But there was no way she could ask Gunner, he’d already given her so much. It didn’t matter that he said he had no boundaries.

Asking him for more would be taking advantage. He’d already told her he didn’t want to have sex with her, and she was pretty sure what she was feeling had something to do with that.

The urge to rub up against him grew.

Control yourself.

Pulling away, she licked the puncture marks she’d made in his skin. She wanted to keep feeding, but right then she didn’t trust herself and worried she’d end up doing something that would embarrass them both and make this sweet, kind male uncomfortable.

When he rolled her to her back on the bed and kissed her forehead a little while later, then stood and headed for the door, she had to bite her lips together.

Somehow, she stopped herself from asking him to stay.

Chapter 16

“We need to do something now. The longer this fucker is out there, the more damage he can do,” Chaos said. His gaze slid to Silas. “Is there any way you can get a line on Azel? Do you guys have some kind of angel radar or some shit you can use to track him?”

Silas’s jaw clenched, frustration written all over his face. “I’ve tried. I’m not strong enough, not anymore.”

Gunner crossed his arms in an effort not to fucking punch something. Azel had been thrown out of Heaven as well, some of his powers stripped like Silas. But instead of lying low, the power-hungry angel had found a way to get them back, through Luna and her brother, and maybe others as well. “He’s aligned himself with Diemos. Luna isn’t safe until we find him and put him down.”

“Yeah, they’re definitely BFFs,” Kryos said. “There’s no doubt with all the shit he’s pulled.”

“Either that or he’s got plans to take over himself. Position himself as Diemos’s main man and control the demons already here.”

Gunner growled. “Right now, we’re all just pulling theories out of our asses. I want him found, and I want him dead.” He glanced at Silas. “Will the angels help? One of their own has gone rogue.”

Silas shook his head. “I doubt it. And there’s no chance they’d give me an audience to even ask.”

“What the fuck did you do?” Lazarus asked. “Why are they so pissed at you? It has to be more than you just helping us out from time to time?”

Silas crossed his arms. “I made a deal with the fates a long time ago. The angels found out.”

Everyone stilled.

Chaos frowned. “You fucked with fate?”

Silas shifted in his big boots.

“What kind of deal?” Chaos asked.

Silas shrugged. “Everyone has two paths. I just made sure Zenon stayed on the right one.”

Zenon went statue.

In the past, Silas stayed tight-lipped about…fuck, everything. But he wasn’t restricted by the Heavens like he’d once been anymore.

“The path that led me to Mia, that kept me here?” Zenon asked.

“It’s fine. Not a big deal.”

Zenon’s entire body shook. “Not a big deal?”

Silas shoved his hands in his pockets and changed the subject. “So…what about Lucifer? Maybe he could help find Azel?”

Zenon’s yellow gaze stayed locked on the angel, silently telling him this Copyright 2016 - 2024