Knight's Absolution (Knights of Hell #5) - Sherilee Gray Page 0,20

to talk but nothing came out.

He shook his head. “Don’t try to speak, not yet.” She did another of those slow blinks, and his heart clenched in his chest. “It’s okay, take what you need, love. Take everything you need.”

A bloody tear slid down her cheek and her gaze moved to his wrist. He offered it to her immediately, and another tear slid down her face. This time, she managed to lightly hold his forearm with shaky hands as she sunk her little fangs deep into his vein.

Gunner reached down and brushed the tears away. “Don’t cry. Please, don’t cry. You’re safe now. I promise I’ll keep you safe.”

The dizziness became too much, and Gunner couldn’t fight the weight of his eyelids any longer. He let them drift shut as his female fed from him, each deep pull on his vein soothing something inside him. For the first time since he felt her and lost her, there was no pain.

Luna was warm. A warmth that sunk comfortingly into her bones, leaving her drowsy, her limbs heavy. She let her hand drift over her hips, down to her thigh. Not skin over bones, not anymore. There was flesh and muscle as well. She moved her leg, no pain seared through it. She touched it, slid her hand lower. It wasn’t twisted at an odd angle anymore.

She tried to blink, and instead of being stuck shut, her eyes slid open.

That’s when it all came flooding back—where she was and how she got here.

She gasped, taking in the male beneath her and catching her scream before it could escape.

Lying motionless, skin pale, bite marks all over his body, was Gunner. Oh god, she’d killed him. She’d fed on him until he had nothing left. She scrambled back—

His hands shot out, wrapping around her wrist. His eyes were still closed, she wasn’t sure if he was even awake, but one of his heavily tattooed arms slid around her waist and pulled her into his side, tucking her there securely.

Like he didn’t want her to leave.

Why would he want her there after what she’d done to him?

He’s delirious from lack of blood, he doesn’t know what he wants.

She needed to move, to get out of there, now, but Gunner was so warm and smelled so good. She breathed deeply and winced. Unlike her. How could he bear it? He must be disgusted by how she’d looked when he found her, how she probably still looked. He’d walked in after breaking down the door to rescue her, because that’s what he’d done, hadn’t he? And how had she thanked him? She’d drained him of nearly all of his blood.

She’d taken his vein and sucked until he was pale and weak and more than likely close to death.

Pressing her ear to his chest, she listened to his heartbeat. Strong and steady. Good. That was good. If she killed him, his brothers would never let her out of here alive.

But that wasn’t the only reason she was relieved he wasn’t dead, was it? There was that same strange feeling inside her, that pull to be close to him, that same desire to keep him alive that she didn’t understand.

Her gaze slid to his mouth surrounded by a trimmed beard, and she swallowed as zaps like little electric currents shot through her lower belly. That was new.

His breathing was even and deep. He didn’t look like he was dying.

Yes, he was covered in bite marks, her bite marks, but he was warm—no, hot. And despite looking paler than usual, and a little thinner, his body was still solid, thick with muscle and—completely bare.

Her gaze moved over him, taking in every inch. Tattoos covered both of his arms, and on the right one, the colorful swirls and patterns covered his shoulder and pec as well. On the left side of his chest there was an intricate swirling design, but it wasn’t a tattoo. She ran her hand over it and winced. It looked as if it’d been branded into his skin.

Luna glanced down over his abs to where the sheet rested low on his hips. Very low. She couldn’t see underneath, but there was no missing the fact that he had nothing on.

His body was so different than Sir’s.

Luna jerked again at the thought of Sir, her skin growing clammy. That was also new.

She tried to shake off whatever the hell was happening to her. She needed to stop this now and get away from here. She needed to find Copyright 2016 - 2024