Knight's Absolution (Knights of Hell #5) - Sherilee Gray Page 0,106

continuously with her power, not letting up, and with a growl that came from a part of her she never knew existed, she fisted his hair and wrenched his head back.

A hand came down on her shoulder, and her power surged higher, brighter. She glanced back. Eve was there, drawing strength from Luna, giving it in return. Meredith with her hand on Eve, doing the same, boosting them both.

Luna drew in a fortifying breath and turned back to her tormentor. She looked him in the eyes. “You’re going to die today, Azel.”

He gritted his teeth. “I did everything for you.”

“You manipulated, used, and repeatedly raped me. And you did the same to Ronan.”

He flinched. “No…I…”

“Where is he, what did you do to him?”

His face twisted into something that resembled pain, and not the physical kind. “I don’t know.” He shook his head as if he was trying to shake it loose. “I didn’t h-hurt you, Luna. They’ve brainwashed you. I love you. I love you and Ronan both.”

“You killed our mother!” she yelled, her voice nearly lost in the battle raging around them. “For what? For power, to be Diemos’s servant. You are pathetic.”

“Diemos loves us, he wants the best for us. The angels betrayed me, but Diemos loves me. He should control Earth, not the humans.” His face twisted. “I did what I did for all of us, for a better world for you and me and everyone here.”

Flames shot up around them.

Luna fisted his hair tighter. “Bullshit.”

Chapter 33

The compound was under attack.

Mia sent a distress call, and Gunner and his brothers were on the verge of losing their fucking minds.

The demons they’d been fighting had attacked on Azel's orders, keeping the knights out of the way, so that piece of shit could go after Luna.

Gunner was going to tear him apart. He growled. The flight home was taking too fucking long.

His heart slammed against the back of his ribs. The air around him and his brothers was thick and silent except for the rhythmic beating of their wings as they frantically flew for home. Raw fury and anguish swirled around them and by the looks on their faces, they were right where Gunner was, deep in their heads, terrified for their mates.

If anything happened to Luna—

He couldn’t even think it.

Finally, they drew close, and growls and vicious curses cracked the air.

Jesus fucking Christ. Gunner could barely believe what he was seeing, but at the same time, he wasn’t the slightest bit surprised.

Mia, fuck, she hovered high above the ground, hair whipping around, arms outstretched. A large circle of flames was below her, and the whole time, she was sending balls of fire, one after the next, at the demons fighting outside of it.

Grace and James and several other demi were among the demons fighting, and there was a group of demi on the control room balcony, all with their heads down, eyes closed, powers focused on the enemy, slowing them down, causing pain, attacking the demons with whatever powers they had. And it was working. Demons clutched their heads or stood frozen, a couple looked as if they were asleep standing up.

And in the middle of it all, surrounded by Mia’s fire, was Luna.

His mate stood right in front of Azel. The fallen angel was on his knees in obvious pain. Luna fisted his hair, his head wrenched back, the air around them shimmering from the force of her power slamming into him, over him, pummeling him with it, with everything she had.

Eve stood right behind her, hand on Luna’s shoulder, blood coming from her eyes, nose, and ears as Lazarus’s mate invaded Azel's mind, weakening him, attacking the fucker from the inside. Meredith was right behind Eve, hand to her shoulder, head down, boosting both Eve’s and Luna’s powers, shaking from the effort.

“Fucking hell,” Chaos bit out.

Several cars rolled up, and Grace’s crew jumped out and joined the fight. Silas and the hellhounds arrived at the same time, shifting and jumping in, tearing demons to shreds.

Zenon flew to Mia, getting right in front of her. She cupped his face with one hand and threw a ball of fire at a demon with the other. Chaos shot to the ground to help Grace and James and the other demi. Zenon followed after reassuring himself that Mia was okay.

They had enough people fighting now, and right then, Azel was the biggest threat. Even on his knees, Gunner didn’t trust him.

Gunner, Laz, and Kryos made a beeline straight for their Copyright 2016 - 2024