The Kissing Challenge - Cookie O'Gorman Page 0,23

father appeared, wearing a dapper suit and alligator shoes. "Sorry I kept you waiting, but you know how long it takes to get my hair looking this fabulous. Are you ready to go?"

Right then, a familiar car pulled up to the curb. But it wasn't the truck that got my heart pumping. That reaction was reserved for the guy who stepped out and began walking up the path to our front door.

"Well," Lady said under her breath, "now, I see what the makeup is about."

My dad looked surprised to see Captain coming toward our house. He was completely taken aback when my name fell from Cap's lips.

"Hey, Anne," he said, stopping after he'd climbed the steps of our porch.

"Do you know this young man?" my father said.

I repressed an eyeroll but only just.

"Yes, Dad," I said. "This is my best friend, Captain. We go to school together. He's been coming over to the house for years now."

There was no recognition in my father's eyes.

"Captain," Lady said. "I didn't think I'd see you again so soon."

He gave her a polite nod. "Ma'am." Then he turned and held out a hand to my dad. "Mr. Elliot, it's nice to meet you again. I'm Captain."

"What are you the captain of?" my father asked, perplexed as Captain shook his hand. "And how do you know my daughter?"

Before he could respond to that, I jumped in.

"It's his name, and like I said, he's my best friend. By the way, didn't you have dinner reservations?"

"Oh Lord, yes!" Dad walked outside to stand next to Lady and offered her his arm like a real gentleman. "Shall we go, Lady? I do hate being late."

Lady was looking at Captain as he stared at me, and I couldn’t tell what she was thinking.

"Maybe we should stay," she said slowly. "I wouldn't want Anne to be left alone."

"But this young man is here." Dad began pulling her away. "And it took us forever to get these reservations. She'll be fine. Won't you, Anne?"

I nodded as I met Captain's gaze. "I think so."

"There," my father said as if it settled the matter.

Lady wasn't convinced. "But—"

"You two have a fun night and be safe," I said. " I'm good here."

Lady looked between Cap and me, shook her head, and then finally took my dad's arm. "If you say so," she said. "But just be careful, Anne. And call if you need anything."

"I will," I promised.

My feelings as they left were part relief, part exasperation and all excitement.

Captain smiled as he held his arm out to me and said, "Shall we go, Anne?"

"Sure," I said.

Unlike Lady, I didn't hesitate. I took Cap's arm, and we stayed that way all the way up to my room. We broke apart when we were inside. But Captain didn't do what he usually did and sit on my bed. Nope, he stayed right where he was, staring down at me. I was scared I might be reading something into that look, so I walked over to my desk and started messing around with the brushes there.

"So Captain," I said, "what'll it be today?"


"We could go for steampunk. That's always a favorite. I know I have some goggles and a top hat around here somewhere."


"Or maybe Ziggy Stardust? If you're feeling more of the rocker vibe."

Captain placed a hand on my arm to stop my fidgeting. "I think I want to be myself for what I'm about to say. Does that work for you?"

I swallowed hard. "Yeah, of course."

"You know our friendship means everything to me," he said.

"Me, too," I said with a nod.

"You've been my best friend for most of my life. That's what makes this so hard."

I blinked but forced myself to stay quiet and listen to what he had to say.

"When you kissed me that day for the challenge?" Captain's eyes met mine in the mirror. "It was the biggest surprise of my life."

That could've been either a good or a bad thing. I stayed quiet, but mentally crossed my fingers, hoping for a good outcome.

"I'm not into social media," he went on. "For the most part, it seems shallow, and everyone pretends to be happy when they're really not. Heck, people even go on hiatus—which makes no sense. I just don't get it."

I smiled. "I know, Cap."

"But I'd love to say thank you to whoever came up with the kissing challenge."

My eyes widened.

"Does that surprise you?" he asked.

"Yeah, a little," I breathed.

"The only thing I could think was"—he gently touched my waist to turn Copyright 2016 - 2024