The Kissing Challenge - Cookie O'Gorman Page 0,20

It didn't necessarily mean that he was avoiding me. We didn't have any classes together. It could've been a coincidence. But part of me was disappointed he didn't seek me out. The other part was disappointed in myself for not going to him first.

This was so not us, I thought.

Walking through the hall, it felt like a weight was pulling me down. I didn't like being upset at Captain. He had always looked out for me—which is what I'm sure he'd been trying to do with the whole Jackson thing.

And as far as Rachel went…if they started dating, I guess I'd just have to grin and bear it. He was my best friend after all. There was no other option.

"Except dying of a broken heart," I murmured.

My mind was so pre-occupied, the hallway so crowded, that I knocked ran right into someone.

"Oh sorry," I said. "I wasn't paying attention."

"That's alright," Jackson said, giving me a smile.

"Anne," Liam said. With a start, I realized he was standing right next to Jackson. They must've been talking when I literally ran into them. "Are you okay? You don't look so great."

I wanted to roll my eyes but lacked the energy.

"Hey Anne," Jackson said," I meant to ask. Do you—"

Raising a hand to stop him, I took a deep breath. Captain was right. There was no point in beating around the bush.

"Jackson," I said, "I don't want to hurt you, but we can't go out. I'm sorry. I should've said so yesterday."

"Oh that's cool. But can we—"

"It's just the way things are." I shrugged. "The truth is I'm in love with someone else. I have been for a long time. Sorry."

Jackson shot me an amused grin. "Okay…but I wasn't going to ask you out again."

"You weren't?"

He shook his head. "I had a question about the test coming up in Mrs. Tyrell's class."

My face flushed red.

"Can I borrow your notes?" he went on. "I'll have them back to you after next period."

"Sure, sure," I said and tried to bury my head in my binder as I fished out a few pieces of paper covered with history facts. "Here you go. Also, sorry about that bit of awkwardness."

Jackson chuckled. "No problem. Thanks for the notes."

As he went to walk past me, Jackson leaned down and said quietly, "Captain's a lucky guy."

The comment only made me blush harder.

Once Jackson was several feet away, I turned back around and met Liam's gaze. He hadn't moved on. The look in his eyes was bored yet shrewd. I knew it meant trouble.

"You know, Cap looked a little gray today," he said. "Know anything about that?"

"I haven't seen him," I said.

Liam crossed his arms. "But you did yesterday. I'm assuming you and Jackson aren't happening from what I overheard."

I arched a brow.

"Captain might be glad to hear that," he said.

"I doubt he'd care," I replied. "He has Rachel now."

He didn't say anything for a beat.

Students and faculty milled around us, not wanting to be late for their next class. But it looked like Liam had more to say. Proving me right, he spoke a second later.

"I just don't get it," he said.

When he didn't elaborate, I asked, "Get what?"

"You and Cap." Liam shook his head. "It doesn't make sense."

Ouch, that hurt.

"I know he's too good for me if that's what you're saying," I mumbled. "No need to rub it in."

He scoffed. "That wasn't what I meant. You're both lonely without each other. But neither or you is willing to make a move. It's sad."

My lips turned down. "Sorry, I don't understand. Why do you even care?"

"Besides the fact that he's my best friend, and you're—"

Again, he paused, but this time he was staring over my shoulder. A grin took over his face as he continued to stare.

"Earth to Liam," I said, and his eyes came back to mine. "You were in the middle of saying something."

"No, I'm done," he said but then lifted a finger. "Just remember this, Anne. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink."

I frowned. "Liam…you're kind of freaking me out. Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah," he said, "just make sure you talk to Cap."

"I told you already. I haven't seen him."

"Well, don't look now, but he's coming this way."

Whipping around, I saw that he was right. Captain was only a few feet away now—and he was heading straight for me.

"Maybe this horse will drink," Liam said and gave me a nod. "Just make sure you do, too."

I was still sputtering as Liam walked Copyright 2016 - 2024