Kisses and Scandal (A Survivors Series Anthology ) - Shana Galen Page 0,62

mouth. He could draw it out for hours, making her climax over and over, until she thought she had nothing left. His tongue was gentle, teasing and testing. He spread her legs wider and circled her, pulling back when she came too close to peaking.

“Please,” she begged in a whisper, because she feared if she spoke any louder, she might scream. “I want you inside me.”

“Patience,” he murmured, beginning his teasing again. Her breathing grew rapid until she was gasping and clawing at the blanket. Finally, finally, he pressed his tongue deliberately against her sensitive bud, and she came apart. Just as she began to descend, he drove into her, and she soared higher again. She bit her lip to keep from crying out. Caleb wasn’t gentle, and she didn’t want him to be. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him deeper. Finally, he tensed and cried out, withdrawing quickly and spilling himself on her belly.

He fell beside her, chest rising and falling. When he’d recovered, he found a cloth, cleaned her, then lay beside her again and pulled her close. “I’ve missed you.” He buried his face in her hair and stroked her shoulder.

“I’ve missed you.” She turned to look at him. For all these years, she’d held her memories of him locked away in the back of her mind. She hadn’t wanted to take them out and examine them, because he’d left her. But now she knew he hadn’t left her out of choice but duty. And the time she’d spent with him these past days, along with the past they’d shared, swirled together. “I don’t want you to go.” She placed a hand on his cheek. “I love you.”

He stilled. “I didn’t think you’d say it again. I didn’t know if you’d trust me.”

“I trust you. I know you only want to protect me and James. If we can’t be together in London, what if we traveled with you to somewhere safe?”

Caleb shook his head. “Long sea voyages can be dangerous. There are storms and mercenaries.”

She kissed him. “The streets of London can be dangerous as well. Together we will keep each other safe.”

He lay back and stared at the ceiling for so long she thought he would deny her. Then finally, he rose on one elbow. “I should tell you no.”

“But you won’t.”

“I won’t. But we must find James tomorrow. We need to leave on the first ship where I can book passage.”


He’d left her well after midnight. It had been no easy feat to force himself away from the warmth of her body and the sweet perfume of her skin. But if anyone was watching the boarding house, he had to leave under cover of darkness or risk being caught.

Caleb had gone out the back door, through the kitchen, and into a back alley. From there, he’d made his way to the docks, avoiding the main thoroughfares and keeping to the side streets as much as possible.

He’d found a ship bound for Canada via Ireland. The captain had no cabins left, but he offered Caleb first choice of vacated cabins once they reached the isle. Caleb paid the fare for three and hoped Bridget thought sleeping under the stars for a night or two romantic.

It was easy to hide in the taverns and warehouses that lined the docks. No one looked too closely at a man here, and most men kept their hats down low and their eyes on their own business.

At two o’clock, he started back into the city toward the charity hospital. Bridget had said she’d ask another teacher to take her afternoon classes so she could go to the hospital. He’d meet her outside, and they’d go to the orphanage together.

He walked quickly, keeping an eye over his shoulder. When he arrived at the hospital, he waited across the street from it, tucking himself behind the pillar of a building. He’d been waiting about a quarter of an hour when Bridget entered. She wore her cream and peach dress and a hat to match. Her hair was in curls over one shoulder, and she looked as pretty as he’d ever seen her.

He ducked back behind the pillar, allowing himself a few moments to imagine their life together. He’d marry her as soon as possible. Perhaps they could get a license when the ship docked in Ireland. He wanted to be her husband. He was already a father. He still couldn’t believe he was the father of the beautiful child she’d shown Copyright 2016 - 2024