Kisses and Scandal (A Survivors Series Anthology ) - Shana Galen Page 0,57

kept her nestled close and safe.

Today was Sunday, and she usually attended church services in the chapel at the academy. A few eyebrows might lift if she did not attend, so she dressed for church in a gown of white with peach ribbons at the bodice and sleeves and made her way to Manchester Square. She found Valérie and sat beside her just as the girls began to sing the first hymn.

“Did you find him yet?” Valérie asked.

For a moment, Bridget thought her friend meant Caleb, and then she realized Valérie meant James. “Not yet,” she whispered, “but I am close.” That was true enough. She would go to see Merceron again after church today. Perhaps he would not be as busy on the Sabbath.

Valérie squeezed her hand, clearly excited for her. After the service, Bridget hugged Valérie and started for the front door. Irene Chalmers called out to her before she could reach the door. With her curly black hair, light brown skin, and dark eyes, she was truly lovely. She was also amazingly intelligent, teaching history, geography, and pocketpicking.

“Mrs. Chalmers, it was a lovely service, wasn’t it?”

“It was. You’re not leaving without dinner, are you?” She leaned close and lowered her voice. “I know Mrs. White is still finding her footing, but she’s made some delicious meals recently.”

“I’d like to, but I have business to attend to.”

“I see. Then I’d better mention this now. I have a cousin with a daughter of about nine. She thinks the little girl shows some aptitude for drawing. I told her you would be giving lessons on Saturdays soon. Do you still plan to do so?”

Bridget smiled. “Yes! And thank you for thinking of me. I think in another week or two, I will be ready to begin lessons.”

“I’ll tell her. She may have friends, and if her mother likes you, I’m sure she’ll refer them to you.”

“Irene, you’re an angel. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. At least grab a slice of toast from the kitchen before you go. You have to eat something.”

Bridget took her advice, smiling all the way back to Covent Garden. If she could find just four or five regular art students, she would be able to supplement her income from the academy nicely and afford clothing and shoes for James and perhaps pay her debt to her great-aunt more quickly. She hadn’t yet decided if she would accept money from Caleb, but if she did, that could be used to pay for tutors and schooling, though she was in no hurry to send her son off to school. He could attend a school here in London and live at home, as many of the sons of merchants and tradesmen did.

Caleb had told her to wait for him near the theater, and she spotted him almost immediately. It might be more apt to say she spotted him as soon as he allowed it. She’d been looking for him outside the theater as she approached and thought she had arrived early. Then he seemed to appear from nowhere. He joined her, falling into step beside her.

Seeing him again brought the memories of the night before rushing back. The way his kingfisher-blue eyes had looked up at her as she’d disrobed, the way his mouth had looked when he kissed her breast, the way his hands had felt as they touched her. She felt her cheeks heat at the memory.

“Are you feeling suddenly shy?” he asked after the silence had gone on and he’d glanced at her face.

“Just remembering last night.”

“I’m sure you repented this morning.”

He turned in the direction of Bethnal Green. “Did you?” she asked.

“Hell no. I’m not a bit sorry.”

She laughed. “You are incorrigible.”

“I am. I see you in that pretty dress and jaunty hat, and all I can think about is taking it off you.”

Now her cheeks heated for another reason. She swallowed, eager to change the subject. “I have good news.”

“Tidings of great joy? Isn’t that in December?”

She punched him lightly. “Not that good news. A young girl is interested in taking art lessons with me. If her mother recommends me to her friends, I could soon have a number of pupils.”

“And what will you do with all that blunt?”

“Buy James clothes and shoes and pay for schooling.”

“Are you still determined not to accept my money?”

She ducked her head. “I suppose if you are determined to give it to me, I won’t refuse. I could move to better accommodations or buy James some toys.”

He took her hand Copyright 2016 - 2024