Kisses and Scandal (A Survivors Series Anthology ) - Shana Galen Page 0,37

conspiratorial wink.

Finally, the vicar pronounced them duly wed, and she did not think any bride could have been happier. They turned and beamed at the guests. Phil’s smile was returned by her brother and his wife, her sister and her nephew and nieces, and of course her mother. She saw several of her friends but frowned when she couldn’t find Mrs. Catarina Draven or Ines. The sisters had made the Catarina lace for her wedding gown, and as she so enjoyed their company as much as their lacemaking, she had invited them to attend the nuptials.

Phil leaned over to James as they walked down the aisle to exit the church. “I wish your family had been able to come.”

He smiled. “Sure and they wouldn’t have known what to make of this. But I received a letter from me oldest sister last week, and she’s doing well and loves her new house.” James winked at her again.

Phil knew this as he had read the letter to her. “And none of your sisters suspect that you made up the story about your investments paying off?”

“As it was yer story, lass, why would she?”

They exited the church and stepped into the bright morning sunshine. An open landau festooned with flowers waited for them. James—Sir James now—handed her into the conveyance then took the seat next to her. “How long will the breakfast last?” he asked, leaning close. His breath tickled her ear.

“At least two hours,” she whispered back as she waved to the guests. “Why?”

“Because I’m tired of sneaking into your chamber at night to steal kisses.” His voice was low and sent a delicious shiver through her.

But she managed to give him a dubious look. “That’s not all you do.”

“Yes, well I want to do it without worrying yer ma or yer brother will charge in and club me over the head.”

Phil wanted exactly the same thing. She was tired of stolen kisses and clandestine meetings. “We’ll sneak away early, if we can. Maybe I can create a distraction.”

“Throw the bouquet!” one of her nieces called, and Phil complied. She closed her eyes and raised the ribbon-wrapped flowers she held. But before she could throw it, she heard the sound of hooves coming fast. She opened her eyes and stared at the cloud of dust nearing them. A single rider approached fast.

“Do ye know him?” James asked, tensing beside her.

“I do. It’s Lieutenant Colonel Draven.” Just as she said it, her brother stepped forward and waved a hand.

“Sir!” Phineas called. “You’ve missed the wedding.”

Draven pulled his horse up short and tipped his hat to the carriage. “My felicitations, my lady. I am sorry to interrupt, but I need the duke.”

Phineas was already beside Draven’s mount. “What’s the matter, sir?”

“I need you to come to London, Mayne. It’s Ines.”

Phil started. “Miss Neves? What’s happened?”

Draven gave her a worried look. “She went missing one afternoon two days ago. We thought she was merely hiding to avoid an outing with a suitor she did not fancy, but when she did not appear, we made a thorough search and could not find her anywhere. I sent my man to investigate, and”—he reached into his coat—“he brought me this news of a sighting.” Draven handed the folded scrap of paper to the duke who looked at it and swore.

“Duncan, that lunatic.” The duke handed the note back to Draven. “I’ll have my horse saddled and meet you as soon as I can.”

Phin signaled to a groom and went to speak to his wife. Phil looked at James.

“Sounds like yer friend may have run off with her lover.”

“She didn’t run off,” Draven said, obviously having overheard them. “She was abducted, and I intend to bring her back and have Duncan Murray hung by the toenails.”

The crowd of guests began to murmur amongst themselves.

“Mama, shall we start for the house?” Phil asked.

Her mother waved at her distractedly, and James instructed the coachman to drive.

Once the carriage was underway, James looked at her quizzically. “Ye don’t want to stay and hear any more of the gossip?”

She shook her head. “It will take them ages to come back to the house as they’ll want to see my brother off and gather any last morsels of information. I, on the other hand, see this for what it is.”

“What’s that?”

She raised her brows. “A distraction.”

He grinned at her. “So it is.” James pulled her close, enveloping her in his warmth and security. “And just the one we’ve been hoping for.” He bent and Copyright 2016 - 2024