Kisses and Scandal (A Survivors Series Anthology ) - Shana Galen Page 0,20

Phil be so careless? But then why should she worry? She could make any request she liked and no one would question it. James schooled his face into an expression of confusion. “Me, sir?”

“Yes, you. Not you alone, of course.”

“No, sir.”

“Do you think you are up to the task, Finnegan? I don’t like to deny Lady Philomena anything, but if you are not capable—”

“I’m capable, sir.”

“Good.” Banks clasped his hands behind his back. “It will mean a late night. I had wanted you to move the furniture in the blue room so the maids might dust, but you will instead be given two hours in which to rest. I suggest you take it as you may very well be out until the wee hours.”

“Yes, sir.” Banks looked as though he wanted to say more, but James gestured to the table. “May I finish eating, sir?”

Banks agreed, and when he was gone, James blew out a long breath and closed his eyes. Now was the time he should send word—or go himself, he did have two hours free—to tell Sean and Patrick Lady Philomena would be in public tonight. If they found out later and he hadn’t given them advance notice, they would know he was working against them. Not to mention, he would be at the event and could keep Phil safe. He could find a way to thwart their plans—perhaps alert one of the host’s footmen that he’d seen miscreants skulking about. Patrick would never so much as touch Phil.

He brought his plate back into the kitchen and decided he would do it. Patrick and Sean might be questioned, but if they hadn’t done anything, they’d be set free. By that time, Phil would be back in the country, and he could figure out a plan then—if and when Sean and Patrick returned. They were often absent for weeks at a time. James imagined they had other schemes or even honest work during those absences, and he didn’t ask too many questions.

But he wanted Banks to see him go up to his room, so he made a show of heading that way and telling everyone he saw he was going to have a bit of a lie down. But when he saw the second footman, the man shook his head. “Lady Philomena wants to see you first. Something about the message you delivered. She’s in the drawing room.”

James tried to ignore how his heart thundered in his ears as he changed course and started for the drawing room. He’d seen her only yesterday, and yet it felt like weeks. But chances were the duchess would be present. He would have to keep from looking at her too long or with any sense of desire.

When he arrived at the drawing room, he tapped on the door and entered. He spotted Lady Philomena on a settee, book in hand. She glanced up at him, and he inhaled sharply, as though he’d been struck. She wore midnight blue, a color that accented her eyes and contrasted nicely with her golden hair. The cut of the dress was narrow, giving him an impression of long legs and a trim waist. Or perhaps that was his mind adding details where it shouldn’t.

Quickly, he pulled his gaze away from her, surreptitiously searching the room for the duchess. He didn’t see her. Were they alone?

“Oh, there you are, James,” Phil said, her voice like honey. He darted a glance at her, not trusting that they were unobserved.

“Ye wanted to see me, me lady?”

“I did. It’s this reply.” She held up the missive he had carried back from a Lieutenant Draven’s dwelling. “Did you speak with Mrs. Draven?”

“No, me lady. But the butler, Ward, informed me a Miss Ines Neves would send a reply.”

“Ah, that’s who wrote this then. I’m afraid I cannot quite make it out. Can you take a look?” She held out the slip of paper and James met her gaze. Her eyes held a hint of a challenge. This was all pretense, of course. As a servant, he wouldn’t have seen the reply, but clearly she wanted him to come closer.

“Of course, me lady.” He moved closer and bent to examine the paper. The scent of her made him almost dizzy. It was so light he had to inhale deeply and then a whiff of it was never enough. He wanted more, wanted to bury himself in that scent and breathe it into his being.

James looked at the paper on which there were Copyright 2016 - 2024