Kisses and Scandal (A Survivors Series Anthology ) - Shana Galen Page 0,12

his head slowly, his black eyes wide with astonishment. “That’s a terrible idea, so it is. I can’t trust myself with ye. I want ye too much.”

“I want you too.” Releasing the chair, she moved toward him, but he stepped away until his back was to the door.

“That doesn’t mean we should give in to those impulses.”

She took another step closer, and now he had no way to escape. “You’re right, but what if we gave in just this once?” she whispered. “Just for a moment. I won’t see you for days. Give me something to remember.” She pressed her hand to his chest and felt his heart beating, hard and steady. “Kiss me.” She pressed against him and slid her hands up to his shoulders. “Touch me.” She kissed his lips. “Give me something to remember you by.”

She’d expected him to argue, but he crushed her to him. This kiss was just as insistent as before but not at all gentle. It robbed her of breath and made her dizzy and lightheaded. Before she knew what had happened, she was the one with her back to the wall, and he was pressed against her. She could feel the hard length of him heavy against her belly, and she gave in to the urge to touch him. But he seemed to know what she had in mind and caught her hands, then pushed them above her head and held them still with one hand.

“I want to touch you,” she murmured.

“Not tonight. Tonight is for ye to remember me.” He kissed her again and then his free hand slid over her bare collarbone, making her shiver. His fingers were light, his touch feathery, and her skin tingled where he touched it. When he moved lower, it was as though he left a trail of fire in his wake. His hand continued lower until it floated over the silk of her white bodice.

His eyes met hers as his hand hovered near her breast.

“Yes,” she whispered.

He lowered his hand, and the warmth of it sank into her. But the feeling was not at all one of comfort. He seemed to know exactly where her hard nipple was, and he slid his thumb over it, making her gasp and wish she were not wearing her stays so she could feel him acutely.

He cupped her breast, pushing it up so that more flesh was revealed at her bodice. Then he dipped his head and kissed that bared flesh with hot, eager lips. Phil arched, giving him more, wanting more.

His mouth moved lower as he kissed the silk over her breast, nipped at the spot where her hard bud pulsed insistently, then skated back up to kiss her bare throat. Phil moaned and tried to free her hands. She needed to touch him.

“Will ye remember me now?” he asked, his warm breath on her throat.

She struggled to form words and thoughts. “Perhaps for a few nights, but I need more if I’m to survive the entire length of the trip.”

“Ye’re playing a dangerous game.” He looked up at her, his eyes glittering.

“Show me just how dangerous.”

He shook his head slightly as though in disbelief. “Can ye keep quiet?”

She nodded.

He glanced toward the door. “This is bad enough, but if I’m caught with me hands under yer skirts, it’ll be far worse.”

Phil gasped in a sharp breath. He would put his hands under her skirts? At that moment, she would risk anything to see what he had planned.

She nipped at his jaw. “I’ll be as quiet as a mouse. We won’t be caught.”

His hand slid over her abdomen, then lower. She made a moan of pleasure as his hand cupped her sex, and he gave her a warning look. “Not a sound,” he whispered.

She nodded, closing her eyes and biting her lip to keep quiet as his hand pulled up the fabric of her skirts then slid underneath to rest on the top of her stocking.

“What color are yer garters, lass?” he whispered in her ear. His breath tickled and tantalized, and she felt warmth rush between her legs.

“Ivory,” she whispered.

“And yer stockings? Also white?”

She nodded. He closed his eyes. “Christ Jaysus, I’m done for.” His hand traced the material of her garters then inched upwards. She jumped at the feel of his rough hand on her bare thigh. “Want me to stop?” he asked.


“Do ye even know what it is yer asking for?”

She knew bits and pieces. “I’m confident you’ll show me.”

He nodded and his hand Copyright 2016 - 2024