Kisses and Scandal (A Survivors Series Anthology ) - Shana Galen Page 0,100

don’t mind, sir, I’d like to start as soon as possible.”

Thomas nodded. “I’ll make the arrangements.”

He left the kitchen and went to his office. It was empty. Raeni was probably in the coffee room or in back tending to some last detail. He sat in the chair at his desk. The one she’d occupied so often. His desk was clear now. All of the documents had been seen to and filed away. Everything was in order.

Except his life. His life was in shambles. He hadn’t realized how alone he was until Raeni came into his life. Yes, she’d brought a squalling child into his home, and his sleep had been anything but peaceful since, but he would miss hearing Alice and Raeni’s laughter when he came home. He would miss having someone at the table in the morning when he broke his fast. He would even miss little George crying at night.

Well, perhaps that was overstating things a bit.

Raeni loved him. And he loved her. How could it be that he’d waited his whole life to find a woman he could love and build a home with, and now she was forced to leave him?

And he’d thought slavery was behind him. It seemed he would never escape it.

With a sigh, he rose, ready to escort Raeni and Alice to his home. They passed a quiet night, Raeni answering him with as few words as possible. He knew she was saying good-bye, and that it hurt her to look at him and know what she was losing as much as it hurt him.

The next morning, she looked lovely in a new white dress with a green spencer that matched the trim on the skirt of the dress. But as she descended the stairs, he could see the hollowness in her eyes. He wondered if she’d slept any more than he.

His gaze lowered to the valise she carried with her. She looked down. “I won’t be coming back after the opening. I’ll take a mail coach to—well, to somewhere else.” At the base of the stairs, she looked him in the eye for the first time since she had told him she was leaving. “I packed all the dresses you had made for me. I know I didn’t come with them. I can leave them if you prefer.”

“Take them.” His voice was hoarse. “I want you to have them. I’d give you more if I could.”


A baby squealed, and they both turned to see Alice descending with George in her arms. “I hope I didn’t interrupt,” she said, her cheeks pink.

“Not at all.” Thomas noticed she also carried a valise. “Will you be leaving for Wapping after the opening then?”

“I thought it best.” Her gaze trailed to Raeni. “It’s not proper for me to be here alone with you.”

Thomas gave a curt nod and offered Raeni his arm. “Off we go then.” He’d wanted his voice to sound exuberant and cheerful. This was the day he would celebrate the opening of Bond Street Coffee & Tobacco. He’d worked for years to make this day a reality. It should have been the best day of his life.

Instead, he wished it had never come.

RAENI WAS SO BUSY SHE didn’t have time to breathe, much less think. The opening ceremony had been an unmitigated success. Not only had all the local shop owners come to show their support for the new establishment, but when Thomas had ceremoniously pulled the cover off the new sign, revealing it to the public, the Londoners had been so numerous they’d spilled out into the street waiting to go inside. The coffee room had been steadily busy for the past three hours, and she was even more thankful she did not have to serve anyone. She was much better at overseeing everything.

They’d run out of pastries about an hour ago, and she’d sent some of the men from the back to the streets to purchase what foodstuffs they could from the carts. The owner of The Greedy Vicar had also come by with an offering of a fruit pie, and though the gift was probably intended for Raeni and Thomas to eat in celebration at the end of the day, she’d promptly sliced and plated it.

Thomas was in the middle of everything and had been since he’d opened the door. He had a word or a greeting for everyone. As he moved through the coffee room, he was all smiles and solicitousness. In the shop, he had a ready story Copyright 2016 - 2024