Kiss Me Duke - Tamara Gill Page 0,46

to Molly that the one man who made her blood sing would be the very one they had cursed to the devil years ago. The very thought of confronting her aunt with her mistake made her stomach churn.

Later that evening was her first foray into London society. Evie and her husband, the Duke of Carlisle, had picked her up in their carriage, and it had taken minutes only to pull up before the Duke and Duchess of Whitstone's grand London townhouse.

The moment her name was announced, the room abuzz with conversation, music, and laughter noticeably quietened. Molly clasped her fan tighter, cooling her skin to stem from the never-ending sickness that ailed her. She raised her chin, not willing for any of them to look down at her or judge her choice.

Molly reminded herself they did not know that she was Laura's cousin, that the connection had thankfully never been made. It was only by chance that Lady Brandon had found out. She was certain no one else would know.

To imagine what they would think and say should they know the duke had married the cousin of the woman he ruined all those years ago sent a shudder of revulsion down her spine. The ton would then roar with ridicule, mock and criticize. She was not sure she could weather that storm as well.

"My darling, there is something that I need to speak to you about," Willow whispered to her as she joined them, pulling her toward where Hallie and Ava stood with their respective husbands.

Molly shot a look at Willow, not liking her taut tone. "What is it that you need to say? Is there something the matter?"

"There is news that you must know."

They came to stand before Ava and Hallie. She kissed them both in turn, greeting the dukes standing at their wives' backs, before turning toward the gathered throng. Willow worked her hands before her, glancing at the door. Hallie pulled her aside, and dread pooled in her stomach. "Willow, what is wrong?"

The hair on the back of her nape rose as the muttering of voices dimmed. The music fell as conversation quietened. Molly forgot her question to her friend and looked to see what had everyone so fascinated.

The booming voice of the major-domo bellowed out the name of the latest guest. "His Grace, the Duke of St. Albans."

Molly stilled, her body seized with panic. Hugh was in London. Willow clasped her hand, squeezing it a little. Molly searched him out in the crowded room, but she could not see him. Was it really Hugh? Was he back in London?

A small part of her mind screamed it was because he was here for her. That he'd come to repair their broken marriage, but there was little he could do. The past, no matter how many apologies one gave out, could not change what had occurred.

Unless he is innocent of the crime.

Molly pushed the unhelpful thought aside. He was guilty, had fled London to escape the ton's censure. No one innocent acted in such a way.

"That is what I wanted to tell you. Your husband has arrived in London, and from what I heard from Abe, he was at Whites Gentleman's club today with the Duke of Whitstone. His Grace was overheard telling Whitstone he was in town to win back his wife."

Oh, dear Lord. Did that mean all of society knew that they had a falling out? It was no secret what his scandalous past incurred, and now they knew she had scurried back to England from Rome. She could only imagine what the ton was saying about them both behind closed doors.

Heat rose on her neck.

"You've gone very pale, my dear. Are you well?" Ava took her hand, patting it a little.

Thoughts of what the Duke of St. Albans and his family did to hers rushed back into her mind and made the room spin. Of her cousin who had been courted and promised things during her coming-out by Hugh. How all of those things had come to nothing, not after receiving what he wanted all along. Her innocence and nothing else.

"Ava, did you know Mr. Armstrong was Lord Farley when you saw me off to Rome?"

Her friend's brow furrowed, a grim look on her face. "I did not, no, my dear. Tate has explained his absence to me since your return, and I know my husband, Molly, he would not lie nor support a liar. He believes St. Albans to be telling the truth."

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