Kiss Me Duke - Tamara Gill Page 0,31

and bodies fused. His own moan tangled with hers.

She slumped against him, half on his lap and the cushioned seat. “I do not think I shall ever view a carriage ride the same.”

He grinned down at her, a small flush spreading across his cheeks and making him look like a green lad who’d just been extremely naughty with a woman. “I aim to please and show you all the magnificent heights of this city that you can have.”

Molly chuckled, laying her head on his shoulder and looking out the window. “We did not even close the blinds. I hope no one was watching our carriage too closely.”

He shrugged, one hand idly rubbing her arm just below her sleeve. “Let them talk should they have seen us. I was making love with my wife. There is no sin in that.”

No, she mused. There was not.

Hugh was the veriest bastard under the sun, but he would repair his sin. He would make things right with Molly when he told her the truth. He just needed time. Now that she was not returning to England, he would explain to her the truth of his past, why he was in Rome, and face her wrath then.

When she could not run away from him. Not without a fight.

With Molly’s humble family, it was a possibility that she’d never even heard of his family, of what he was charged with having done. His brother had not married, had merely carried on his wayward ways, except Hugh supposed he did learn a valuable lesson in not dallying with unmarried maids and kept his bed partners to widows or married women.

He was thankful that not all his friends had thought him a cad, had not believed the slur on his name. The Duke of Whitstone one of them. His Grace had been at his estate when his brother’s missive had descended on him, demanding he take the fall.

Had Whitstone not been visiting his home when his brother’s note arrived, his good friend too may have not have believed him. Hugh was far from a saint and had had his fair share of lovers, although he’d never dallied with virginal debutantes.

Stupid Henry had ruined so many things the day he wet his cock in a cunny that he should never have touched.

Molly, too was friends with Whitstone and trusted the duke. If he wrote to his friend, had him help him explain that was he was accused of was incorrect, there may be no impediment to their marriage working.

He could not lose her now. He loved her with an intensity that scared him and one he’d not thought to ever experience.

Hugh helped her alight from the carriage. He leaned down, picking her up before carrying her over the threshold of their villa, their home, and where he hoped they would start a family. Thanking the staff who lined up to congratulate them, they hastily made their way upstairs toward his suite of rooms. Their room from this night onward. He slammed the door closed, turning the lock and shutting the world away from their sanctuary.

Molly made short work of her gown, throwing her veil to the side and stepping out of her silk slippers as she watched him. Her luscious hair fell about her shoulders, her eyes glinting with expectation.

Hugh ripped his cravat free. His coat and waistcoat soon followed along with his breeches. “Get on the bed,” he ordered, striding over to her with a casual air that was the opposite to how he felt.

Inside, his body quivered with need. Already he wanted her again. To lose himself in her hot, tight cunny. To make love to the woman who was a gift he’d not thought to ever receive.

“What are you going to do to me?” She did as he bade, sitting on the bed before scuttling back a little on the linen.

Hugh came to stand before her. He dropped to his knees. Her eyes widened, and she let out a little squeal when he clasped her ankles and pulled her to the edge of the mattress.

“Lay back,” he ordered. Without question, she did as he asked, her breathing ragged. He took in her beauty, her small stomach he hoped would bloom and stretch with their children in years to come. He pushed her legs apart, giving him a view of her cunny. She glistened in the afternoon light, and the musky, sweet scent of her teased his senses.

His mouth watered with the thought of tasting her, eating Copyright 2016 - 2024