Kiss Me Duke - Tamara Gill Page 0,1

she leaned out over the railing, spying a few people out on the streets, some taking in the sights while others plied their trade. “What a magnificent city. I have always wanted to tour, and now I can. I cannot believe it.”

“I am dreading the return journey, however,” her companion, Miss Sinclair said, joining her and staring down at the city with a disgruntled air. “Shall we have tea?”

Molly was reluctant to leave the magnificent view, one she longed to be part of, and nor would she allow Miss Sinclair’s dislike of the distances they had traversed to dampen her excitement. If her companion did not wish to see Rome, she could stay here at the villa. Molly went about London most of the time on her own, it would not be out of character for her.

“Yes, let’s, and then I can get started on exploring this wonderful city.”

“Would you like to have tea on the balcony, Signora Molly?”

“Thank you, yes,” she replied, seeing the outdoor setting and sitting. Servants bustled about the home, bringing up their trunks to the rooms. Molly could almost pinch herself just to confirm that she was indeed here in Rome. Her time was precious, only a month, and then they would be on the return journey back to England. Travel would take several weeks, and she wanted to visit some other cities on the continent before returning to London and the new Season.

The tea was sweet and refreshing, and lovingly the housekeeper had made some biscuits with almonds through them, which squelched her rumbling stomach.

Molly leaned back in her chair, placing down her napkin, well-sated after the fleeting repast. “Shall we finish the tour of the house, see our rooms and then decide where to go first?”

“Of course, Miss Molly,” Miss Sinclair said, yawning.

It had been a long day, but Molly was too excited, had waited too long to be in Rome to lie down for the afternoon. She wanted to explore, walk the streets, visit the markets, and be part of the culture here in this ancient city.

“If you’re tired, Miss Sinclair, I can always go out without you. I do not mind.”

Miss Sinclair’s lips pursed into a disapproving, thin line. “No, that would never do. You need to have a chaperone and company to keep you safe. I will simply have to endure it.”

“I do not wish for you to endure Rome. I want you to enjoy it as much as I intend on doing.”

“I do not believe that will be possible, Miss Molly. I have an aversion to heat, and if it did not escape your notice, it is very hot outside.”

Molly turned toward the balcony, the slight breeze wafting in through the doors cooled her skin. Yes it was warm, but England was always so very cold. How could anyone not make use of such beautiful weather and explore it?

The housekeeper stepped forward, catching Molly’s eye. “We have a manservant here, Miss Clare. He would be more than happy to escort you about Rome so you may see some of our wonderful city.”

Molly smiled at Miss Sinclair. “See, I shall be perfectly safe. You may have this afternoon to rest and recuperate, and we shall come together for dinner this evening before tonight’s ball.”

“You intend to attend Lord and Lady Dalton’s ball this evening? Even though we only arrived today?”

“Of course I intend to go.” Molly shook her head at her companion, having gained the sense that she did not want to go or do anything while they were here. The prospect was not helpful, nor would it be possible. Molly had four weeks to visit this wonderful city, and she would simply have to ignore her companion’s complaints about seeing everything they could in that time.

“Maria, will you show me to my room, please?”

The housekeeper bustled down a wide passageway until she came to a room that overlooked more of the villa grounds, lawns, and gardens that swam with a variety of colors. The tinkling sound of water carried up to her, and she looked for the fountain but could not see it from her room. She would have to go downstairs to find it herself.

Her room was a tiled mosaic floor that was made out in a variety of blossoming flowers. Her bed was large, opulent with its coverlet and abundance of pillows. She, too, was partial to lots of pillows on beds. It somehow made them look complete. Perfect.

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